We walk out of the restaurant and head towards Baby. "Hey, s-" (Hey, so get this.) "What'd you do to your hand?" I ask, concerned. He hides his hand as the drunk lady answers. "Don't ask. He's super sensitive." She rolls her eyes. "You got anything?" "Yeah. I-I know where he is." "Good. Great. Let's go." We all get in the car and dad drives away. That drunk girl gives me the creeps.

A little while later we walk into the station and see Jack who seems to be in pain. "Hey!" My dad says, trying to get his attention. He looks towards us and his eyes are glowing. He lets out a noise of pain as he collapses on the floor. I jump at the sudden gesture and look towards Sam who's holding a taser.

"You tasered him?" I ask as my dad says "Nice shot." We walk over to Jack and hear the cock of a gun. We look towards the door to see the sheriff pointing her gun towards us. "Don't... what the hell is going in here?" We all raise our hands so she wouldn't shoot. "Hey, don't look at me. I'm not the one who tasered him." Dad and Sam look at me with a 'What the hell?' Look. "What?" I shrug.

The sheriff locks Jack, Sam and I up in a cell as she takes my dad into questioning. Sam and I sit next to eachother on the other side of Jack as he is still unconscious on one of the beds. He suddenly wakes up and his eyes glow once more, glaring at Sam because he had tasered him. If I were him I'd be mad too.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy, easy, easy, easy. It's okay. You're okay. We're not going to hurt you." Sam says. "You already hurt me." "Yeah. He did and that wasn't very nice. Right?" I say, looking at Sam. "Yeah. I'm sorry." He says, scared. "Anyway I didn't hurt you. Okay? And I promise I won't, you have my word. You okay?" I ask, trying to calm him down.

"I don't- I... I was scared." Jack says as his eyes return to his normal blue. "And when I get scared, things happen. I... I can't stop them." He says, scared while looking at me the whole time. "Why were you scared?" I ask, standing up. Sam tries to stop me but I ignore him and walk towards Jack. He seems cautious at first but doesn't move.

"Because of the voices." He says, not taking his eyes off of me, scared that I might try to hurt him. "They were so loud, so... angry." Angle radio. "Do you hear them now?" "No." He says, getting up. "Good. Good." Sam chuckled. He was really nervous and he wasn't hiding it very well.

Jack sat back down, next to me, this time sitting with his legs crossed. "I'm sorry." Jack apologizes. "What?" Sam and I both ask. "Will you tell them that I'm sorry?" "Yeah. Sure. Of course. Jack... how are you, um. How are we talking right now? I mean you're not even a day old. How do you even speak English?" Sam asks. "My mother taught me." "So you talked to her?" I ask, confused. He looks at me with a small smile. "I was her."

"Okay. And, um... your powers. Did she teach you those too, or..." Jack got up once again and Sam leans back into the wall behind him as if it would protect him. "No, I... I don't know why these things happen. It's like I'm me, but... not me." "Jack. Look, um... before you were born you- you opened a... a door to another world. Do you remember that?" There was a moment of silence.

"Yes." "Okay, um, could you do that again?" "I don't... I... I have to find my father. He'll protect me." My heart starts to race. "Woah, Jack. You don't want to do that. I don't mean to burst your bubble, but Lucifer doesn't protect people. He does the opposite. I mean he's the Devil." I tell him. He looks at me and let out a small chuckle. I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Lucifer? No, that's not his name. My father is Castiel." "What?" Sam and I say at the same time. Jack went to sit next to me once again. Why does he move around so much? "My mother. She said Castiel, he would keep me safe. She said the world was a dangerous place. That's- that's why I couldn't be a baby or a child. I... That's why I had to grow up fast. That's why I chose him to be my father. Where is he?" I let a small tear leave my eye, but I quickly wipe it away before anyone could see.

Jack Kline x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now