Suddenly Kaycee's blood turned cold. The eerie young man had entered the lift. He pushed his way to the back. Unconsciously Kaycee scooted over to Sean a little more, which did not go unnoticed by him.

"You okay?"

Kaycee silently nodded.

He was at the back but quite a few people separated him and Kaycee so she heaved a breath. The elevator started moving. Sean's hand had dropped from her waist the moment they entered the lift because he knew she would feel conscious about the eyes of the people.

A few moments passed.

A hand suddenly laid on Kaycee's back. Kaycee knew Sean's hands by heart. All those rehearsals and sleepovers made sure of that. His were big but gentle. Always soft on her back. These were not Sean's hands. These were rough. Almost grabbing her forcefully.

Before Kaycee could react, the hand wrapped over her entire waist. And it was strong. Firm. Harsh. And Kaycee hated it. She looked over to the side and saw the eerie man creepily smiling down at her. He was almost a foot taller than her.

Kaycee was petrified. She had never been in such a situation before, ever. Her eyes returned back to the front and she did the only thing that came to her mind. She reached to the right for Sean's shirt. But the man caught her arm before she could it. She didn't look at him. She wasn't able to.

Her throat wasn't functioning.

Goddamn you social anxiety, Kaycee screamed in her head.

Quick as lightening she reached for Sean's arm with her other hand, this time, before the guy could react to it. She grabbed Sean's arm and tugged herself to him. The guy's grip was fierce. He wouldn't let go. Sean turned his head towards her.

The moment Sean's eyes landed on the hand on her waist forcing itself on her, and Kaycee's disturbed gaze on him, his eyes darkened.

In a voice hoarse with fury, he said, "What do you think you're doing?". The guy removed his hand from her waist immediately while Sean wrapped it around her protectively and pulled her to his right side from his left side, where she was standing.

The guy smirked. "Nothing she didn't like."

Even though Kaycee was still trying to calm down her anxiety, this sent her over the edge.

"You think it's funny harassing girls in elevators?" She whispered, venom laced in her voice.

Hearing her response, Sean could only see red. Not only did he harass Kaycee. He also had a cocky attitude and seemed to be enjoying it.

"YOU ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE! HARASSING GIRLS ON ELEVATORS. WHERE IS THE SECURITY?" Sean's voice echoed off the walls of the elevator. Sean slowly interwined his fingers with Kaycee's small ones and squeezed.

The crowd finally turned over to them and now the guy looked scared. A large beefy man grabbed the guy by his collar and pushed him.

"He's harassing girls? Come here you little-"

The lift reached their floor. Sean and Kaycee got out, leaving the crowd to deal with him. Security soon came over and dismissed the crowd after assuring everyone that he was going to the police.

Sean and Kaycee made their way to the auditorium. Sean's hand was back on the small of her back. Kaycee noticed it was a little firmer than before and a lot more pressing. Almost as if he was afraid to let go.

Sean didn't bring up the topic. They could talk about this later. Her family needed to know. But not at this award show. Not right now. He knew she was probably still shook. And he wasn't going to do anything without her consent.

But Kaycee wasn't thinking about that. Actually she wasn't thinking anything. But only one thing was extremely clear in her head.

She reached for his hand which laid on her back and grabbed it. Sean's head jerked towards her. She pried it off her back. Sean's heart sinked.

And then Kaycee put it around her waist.

If Kaycee would've turned to look at Sean at that time, she would've giggled her butt off at the shocked look on his face. But she didn't because she was as red as a tomato too. She didn't realize what she was doing until she did it.

But you wouldn't hear Sean complaining, would you?

That's because throughout the entire event, the dazed look never left his face.

Even when they won their award for 'The rising power duo'. He was grinning ear to ear on stage when they received the award.

And when they were clicking a picture, Sean wrapped his arm around her waist as Kaycee did around his.

First picture.

Both of them were blushing as Kaycee stepped unnaturally close to Sean, smiling at the camera.

Second picture.

Sean looked down at her as she smiled up at him, the trophy in her hand.

Third picture.

And you wanna know what happened the next day?

The entire fandom died.


Oh! Look who finally decided to show up.

I'm really sorry but my area was recently hit by a cyclone (I'm not joking) and apart from the trees and my internet and also my brain, nothing has blown away so far. But seriously network and internet was so pathetic for like a good five days and it still isn't recovered fully.

Also did you guys see the videos? Both 'On the one' and the Disneyland one. Yeah, I'm writing this from my grave. Internet isn't the best here, I can tell you that.

 Internet isn't the best here, I can tell you that

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I'm officially dead.

P.S I think I've finally lost my mind in this quarantine since I kept on laughing for about twenty minutes, gasping for breath, after watching the Disneyland video. Like why was it so funny? It isn't supposed to be this funny.

Anyway, enough of me. Stay safe and stay healthy.

Love youuuuu alllll 💜💜💜💜💜💜

P.p.s We're almost at 5k. I'm gonna cry.

Sean and Kaycee || OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now