The Odd Couple

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Dedicated to @mhi_07 who gave me this amazing idea. Hope this reaches upto your expectations. 💜💜💜💜

"This was a mistake. I shouldn't have come here." Kaycee repeated herself for the 7th time. "I can't do this."

Kaycee and Kylie were currently sitting inside their cars in the parking lot of millennium studio. It had been almost ten minutes since they had arrived. Kylie tried to get out but in vain since Kaycee yanked her back into the car and was babbling to her sister while Kylie was mentally cursing her sister's taekwondo skills.

"Kaycee it's just a dance class. Everyone dances and leaves. Relax for God's sake." Kylie was leaning her head on the window, wishing for the door to magically disappear so she could get out.

"I want to go back, please. This is...-"

"Nope! Nope! No going back. You lost the bet, you do what I say. That's the rule."

Kaycee sighed loudly and let Kylie go. Kylie grabbing the opportunity, opened the door and almost ran into the studio where a few of her friends were standing and chatting.

She got out slowly and closed the door behind her. This studio seemed way scarier than her taekwondo competitions. At least she knew what to do there.

This was unchartered territory. If there's one thing she hates, that's not being in control.

Taking a deep breath, she walked in.


Kaycee was intimidated.

For the first time she felt intimidated. She was surrounded by people who seemed to be knowing what they were doing. They were stretching, talking, laughing and some were just sitting with someone, with their airpods in.

While Kaycee was staring at them, leaning against the wall standing awkwardly straight, like a soldier.

But she was actually straining her brain. Kylie had told her the name of the choreographer prior to coming here but she couldn't remember what the name was.

She was standing in a corner, panicking what style this class was going to be, when she noticed Kylie talking with a boy. She raised an eyebrow at that. Not even ten minutes and she was already flirting.

Kylie caught her eye and waved at her. She then proceeded to look around Kaycee as if looking for someone. Kaycee raised her eyebrows questioning her.

Kylie seemed to excuse herself from the boy she was talking to and approached her.

"Kaycee where's your partner?"

"What partner?"

"Dance partner of course, dummy. It's Kyle's partner class."

"Kyle! Aha! I forgot his name for a second." Kaycee smiled on finally remembering his name. Then her smile faltered. "Wait, we need a partner?"

"Yeah it's a partner class. What do you expect?" Rolling her eyes, Kylie gestured at her to start looking and walked off to, whom Kaycee now assumed to be, her partner.

Kaycee felt dumb. Now that she's looking around, everyone seemed to be in pairs.

"Excuse me?" A soft voice interrupted her thoughts. "Do you have a partner?"

Kaycee turned around slowly and was met with a smiling Asian boy with black ruffled hair. He was smiling down at her, his dimples prominent to Kaycee's eyes and was about a feet taller than her.

"Uh...uh... no I don't.... actually..."

"It's okay you don't have to explain it. I had a partner too, you see, but she injured her leg just a few hours ago so I'm now partnerless."

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