The First Time

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"Sean you've been running around the house for 30 minutes now. Calm down."

The boy paid no heed though. He kept on muttering about how he couldn't find anything when he needed it the most and Miya was assured that he would have abs by the end of his race up and down the stairs.

"If you're searching for your laptop, it's in the garage. You kept it there in the morning, remember."

Sean's foot stopped in mid-air over the fourth step and he stood hovering there for a second and slowly turned around. Then within a flash, ran past his mother as fast as lightening while Miya facepalmed herself.

Miya sighed. He could at least try to not make himself so obvious.

Young people.


Sean entered the garage and found his laptop calming staring back at him in the middle of the floor. He absolutely forgot in his panic that he kept it there the first thing in the morning. Silently laughing at his stupidity, he walked over to the laptop and was quiet for a bit as he searched for something on his laptop before he found what he was looking for.

Colors by Michael blume

Yes. Kaycee, his long term crush for a few years now, was due to arrive at his house for their first rehearsal for his video. And Sean being Sean was freaking out since the morning. He had flossed his teeth thrice, changed his shirt four times and spent over an hour in his room debating whether he shold ask her to stay for lunch. Serris was sure that he had finally lost his mind and was trying to convince Miya to send him to a mental institution.

"Relax Serris, remember Kaycee? She's coming over."

Series stopped in her mid-ramble about how Sean could discover his long lost brain in the asylum and looked over to her mother.

"You mean little Kaycee? The one Sean used to follow everywhere like a dog?"

"I did not."

Sean had appeared in the kitchen out of thin air and was now leaning against the door now.

"Yes, you did."

Sean opened his mouth to retort back when the bell rang and Sean froze. He only broke out of his trance when Serris giggled at his state. In his trance, he had not noticed that Miya had already gone downstairs to open the door but he wasn't upset about that, cause he was panicking about his looks.

"Settling your hair isn't gonna make you look less like a monkey, you know."

Sean glared at his elder sister as he took a final deep breath and started walking towards the stairs.


Sean turned around to see Serris smiling while giving him a thumbs-up.

He smiled.


"..... excuse his antics too, alright? Don't judge us by his behaviour."


"What?! I'm warning her."

Kaycee giggled at their brief exchange which sent goosebumps up Sean's skin. Miya noticed this and smiled at him.

"Okay I have errands to run. Be good, Sean."

He simply nodded as Miya sauntered off. He turned to Kaycee, who was already looking at him.



Sean could not take his eyes off her rosy cheeks. Her cheeks had a natural blush and it made Kaycee look even more beautiful to Sean, if that was even possible.

Sean and Kaycee || OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now