First Day Back

546 26 12

Alec's POV
I wake up early in the morning, 4:30 in the morning to be exact. My room is the same as I last remembered it. I can even picture Magnus in my bed, like I remember when we were younger. I decide to do my "normal" morning routine of going to Magnus's house for sunset watching. I put my AirPods in my ears and place my phone in my workout band. I slide my running shoes on and walk downstairs to find my mother on the living room couch near the door.

"Alec, what are you doing? Where are you going?" She asks nervously. "I couldn't fall back asleep so I wanted to go for a run." She nods her head and grips the coffee mug in her hands a little tighter.
As I open the door, "be careful honey, okay?" I nod my head and shut the door behind me and begin running. It was a 12 minute drive and a 22 minute run when I really want to get to Magnus's. I run using my memory of how to get there, all the surroundings look just like I remembered.
I near his house but... it's not there. There is no beautiful house, no porch with a white swing, not even a house. It's an empty patch of grass, where his house should be. I sit across the street against a tree and rest my head in my hands.

"He was never real?" I whisper to myself. I am in disbelief. "He was never real." I say this time a little louder. I stand up quickly and place my hands on my head. I spin around, fighting the tears. I turn around and rest my hands on the tree. Anger rages through me and I punch the tree with my right hand. Bruises and cuts immediately form on my knuckles.

I look at the empty spot one last time before sprinting home. When I walk through the door, my mother is still in the same spot she was in. "You okay?" She asked, she doesn't see my knuckles and I'm thankful that she doesn't. She would panic. "Yeah, why?" I ask, my tone full of some anger. "You were gone for 2 hours." Is all she says before I walk upstairs and begin to get ready.
Sooner than later, Jace, Izzy and myself drive to school. My first day back since the break in. I have a few meetings first in the morning to ensure the school knows I'm mentally okay to come back. I act like my normal self until I'm cleared by the nurse, the counselors, the principal. I get my schedule from the secretary in the main office.

Calculus, physics, anatomy, and gym... just like I remember. It's like dejavu. This was my schedule during my time with Magnus. As I walk to my locker, I start to get a headache. I was told this would happen for a few years until my brain completely heals.

I place my backpack in my locker and pull out a pain pill to take. I take a swig of water to swallow the small pill. I grab my books for the day and head to calculus. And just like I remember, it's easy and goes by quickly. Lydia is actually in my class now, not just halfway through the year. So my brain coma messed that up. Physics also goes by fast, I barely remembered I was in it. Next is lunch which I don't even go, I just sit in the library and catch up on the work I missed last week.

Then, I head to anatomy and my heart begins to race. This is where Magnus and I were partnered for our immure system presentation. I take a seat where Magnus and I used to sit. A random girl sits next to me and tries to flirt with me but I ignore it. I look over the syllabus during class and see their is a organ system project that will be towards the middle of the school year. I get that dejavu feeling again and ask to be excused to go to the bathroom.

I walk into the bathroom and splash water from the sink into my face. I grab paper towels and dry my face and then I see it... the bullet wound scar. It's very faint but also raised higher than I expected.
Gym class, I just sit there. I'm not cleared to play anything for another 2 weeks. Sebastian doesn't make fun of me like he used to, he even says he's sorry and heard about what happened. It's crazy that my coma brain created such a weird life.

The end of the day comes and Izzy is the only one at the car. "Where's Jace?" I ask her and she points toward the football field. "He has football tryouts. One of his friends will take him home." So we slip in the car and drive home. When we walk through the door notice both of my parents aren't there. Izzy sees that I'm a little confused. "My went to work, she had a client for a trial that she kept putting off." I nod my head and head to the fridge to get some water.

I take a seat at the table and start working on my homework. About an hour later I hear the door open and hear my parents and Max talking. I stand up and feel myself get lightheaded so I try to sit down but I miss the chair and fall onto the floor. I feel someone wrap their arms around me and carry my upstairs, probably my father.

I hear Max asking questions but I fall asleep before I can hear anymore.

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