Chapter 1

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I was sitting beside Ameer Zaeed, the biggest smuggler of weapons in the world. He was short with a bald head and an earring in one ear. He always seemed to chews betel leaves and the juice threatened to spill from his lips. I was on a mission to find proof and get him caught. For this I had to befriend him. I don't know why I was given this mission.

Anyway we were in this place which was open and I was told by Ameer that an Indian beauty was going to dance. I honestly didn't have a problem with that since I'm known to be a playboy.

''You are going to enjoy it.'' Ameer said. I just smiled and nodded. I had to stay focused on this mission.

The supposedly Indian beauty came in front of my eyes and I was speechless for a moment. She had a dusky complexion with eyes that seemed to change color and long, flowing dark hair with a streak of blonde hair that came down till her waist. She wore a halter blouse and a silver coloured transparent Saree which showed her perfect stomach.

Ameer smirked and beckoned her to start.

She started dancing and sang a Hindi song which I couldn't understand but I just gaped at her. She moved her body so easily and efficiently that I was awestruck. She came and stood in front of us touching her body and making weird noises. My heart beat faster and my hands ached to touch her.

I checked my bracelet and saw that I had received a message from the Organization. I looked around me but Ameer was eyeing that dancing beauty hungrily. I checked to see that there was only one word 'Kill him.'

I sighed. How was I supposed to do that? There were many people here. I'd have to kill all of them for it. Though they weren't paying attention to their master.

''Sir.'' Called one of Ameer's men. That shook me out of my trance. I looked around to see that the dancing lady wasn't there and even Ameer had disappeared. ''Sir Ameer Sahab is busy so he asked you to return to your house.'' I nodded and got up.

I looked around to see that no one was here except me and that guard. I pointed my laser at him and shot him. He gave a surprised 'oh' and died on spot.

I made my way towards the staircase. I knew he would be here. I saw that the guards at his door were lying on the floor. I checked their pulse but there wasn't any and the weird thing was that there wasn't any blood. I opened the door to find that Ameer was lying dead on the bed and that dancing lady just beheaded a guard when I entered. She turned towards me. She still looked beautiful even though she was covered in blood. She held a sword in one hand.

She pointed the sword at me. ''Don't move or I'll kill you.'' She warned, her eyes becoming black. Any normal person would just run away. But I just smiled. I made my way forward but she stood her ground. Up close she looked roughly five feet seven inches tall with a curvy figure.

I stopped just as the tip of her sword touched my chest. ''You're quite a fighter. How did you kill them without any bloodshed?" I asked smirking.

She narrowed her eyes. ''I'm not answerable to you and if you're so curious then keep up with this act and you'll soon find out.'' She said, thrusting the sword forward, such that it pierced my heart a little and a few drops of blood trickled from the wound.

I chuckled. I ran my fingers along the side of her sword leaving a trail of my own blood. She raised an eyebrow and threw her sword away. Hmm she knew I was going to use blood for water spell. Smart.

I charged grabbing her arms and pinned her to the wall. She kicked my groin and freed herself. She ran towards the window but I caught her by the end of her Saree. She just smiled and danced away from me, twirling. Her Saree came undone slowly as she twirled revealing a pair of jeans underneath.

She chuckled and a pair of blue wings appeared from her back. She gave me a two finger salute and jumped from the window extending her wings. I shot her with my water needles. She successfully dogded them but one hit her wing. Blood oozed from her wound and she fell to the ground with a scream.

I quickly went down and hurried towards her. She was lying on the ground clutching her left shoulder. I knelt down beside her. I noticed that one of my water was embedded in her left wing and another one was embedded in her right thigh. Her eyes were closed. I pulled out the water needle from her wing and it instantly healed.

She struggled herself into a sitting position clutching her thigh. She opened her eyes and when they landed on me she moved away but I held up my hands. ''Hey I'm not going to hurt you.''

''You hurt me once. You can hurt me again.'' She said plainly. I chuckled and quickly pulled the water needle from her thigh. She cried in pain clutching her thigh. I passed my hand over her forehead and she fell asleep. She looked like an angel from above.

Hey guys!
I know that in the description I made it sound like it was Sam's story but he is an important character so I wanted to start with his point of view.

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