"Fine. Osamu told me before he kissed me that Suna liked me. So I just thought If he knew he would be really mad. Not at me, but at Osamu."
You blurted out.

Atsumu's eyes widened.

"Suna told my brother that he liked you?"

You nodded.

Atsumu scoffed.
"And that dumbass still kissed you after Suna poured his heart out to him?"
You didn't think about that. This whole situation did make Osamu seem like a terrible friend.

"I guess but I still don't know why he got with Yuma and why he isn't talking to me."
You felt frustrated.

"First off, if you don't like Suna it shouldn't matter who he has a thing with. Second off, he probably feels hurt. Did you ever think that Suna is convinced that you like Osamu, so he can't bring himself to talk to you?"
Atsumu explained.

"Oh my god. He does have a point."
You thought.
You couldn't believe Atsumu of all people would tell you what should've been obvious.

"When did you understand other people's emotions so well?"
You chuckled.

"I've known Suna for a while. He's complicated, when he gets hurt he just goes quiet. More quite than normal."
Atsumu said, he was a bit offended by your comment.

"That would explain the argument Osamu and Suna had a day ago."
Atsumu added.

"What are you talking about?"

"About a day ago, I caught Suna and Osamu yelling at each other near the school courtyard. I couldn't understand what it was about. But I'm guessing it's probably about the party."
Atsumu sighed, as he ran his hands though his hair.

"That could explain why Osamu looked so stressed out when I bumped into him that night at the park."
You thought.

"You really got all these guys twirled around your little finger huh (y/n)?"
Atsumu turned to look at you as he said this.

"N-no...it's not that. As you said Osamu would never like me."
You suddenly stood up and headed back into the station.
At the time you thought that getting answers about what was going on with Suna would make you feel better, but it just made you feel worse.

"All this because of a stupid kiss."
You jumped as you heard Atsumu's voice from behind you.

"Why do you care about Suna so much anyways?"
Atsumu asked, as he stood next to you.

The answer was pretty simple.
"He was my first friend here, and was always so nice. It hurts knowing that I don't get to talk to him like that anymore. I know it isn't that big of a deal, but it still makes me upset."

You felt tears forming in your eyes as you said this.

Why were you being so emotional?
Why did it matter so much? Suna was just a person.
"Why do I care so much about him?"
The more you thought about this, the more frustrated you became.

Atsumu could very clearly see your troubled expression.
"Hey, come here."
He pulled you into a warm hug.
This time you didn't pull away, or protest.
This was nice, it made you feel safe.
"I guess I shouldn't have yelled at you."
You whispered, rolling your eyes in a teasing manner.

"Don't worry about it subway girl. It's gonna be alright, I'll make sure of it."
You felt his hands wrap around your waist, and his chin was resting on your head.

For some reason, this felt amazing.
It felt perfect.
It felt like home.

"I'll make sure nobody hurts you..."
You heard Atsumu whisper.

You slowly looked up at Atsumu, the statement catching you off guard.
"Wait so then, if you didn't tell Suna, your brother did...."

Atsumu's eyes widened.

"No...no of course not. My brother doesn't remember anything from the party, he was too drunk."
Atsumu replied.

"But we were the only people who knew about it."
You added.

It was strange.
If Atsumu didn't say anything, then Osamu had to be the only other person who could.

A terrible realization had occurred to Atsumu.
Maybe his brother did remember everything from the party, and he told Suna for a reason, but why?

He didn't bother to tell you about this, afraid it would make you feel worse.

"Just breathe ok? You always seem so worked up. It's not that serious. You'll be fine."
Atsumu replied quietly as he pulled you in for another long hug.

It almost felt like you two lost track of time, and you only let go when you heard the screeching of the subway coming to a halt.

But the thought still lingered at the back of you and Atsumu's head:

If Osamu did remember everything from the party...

Why the hell would he tell Suna?

𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚎m𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 & 𝚟𝚘𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞!

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