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"Come on dude, let me in." Matty told the bouncer at the door. His Manchester accent easily stood out from all the Americna's.

"I'm sorry, we're full." The bouncer told him, with a stern face. He seemed pissed, as if his job was getting to him.

"No, no you're not." Matty spoke up. As he said it, the bouncer opened up the red velvet barrier, to let a man and woman in. "You see?"

Just as the bouncer was about to open uup his mouth to speak, about to give him yet another excuse, two teenage girls stood behind him.

"You see, twitter was right." One of them shrieked, her eyes widening, starring at the back of his neck.

"Is it him? Is it really him?" The other giggled, intensely squeezing the poster she had rolled up in her hand.

Matty turned around, wanting to know who the two girls were talking to. If it was someone interesting, he'd wanna meet them. He discovered that the two girls were indeed talking about him, and starring intensely at him. Or, the back of his neck.

He signed autographs, gave hugs and kisses, and had a conversation with the both of them. After the two girls had moved on, Matty looked back at the bouncer. The bouncer was pissed, he knew the guy must of been a someone, due to the attention he was getting.

"Fine." Was all he said, unclipping the barrier, letting Matty walk through.

With a chuffed smile, he entered, feeling more confident than before. He walked through a little garden courtyard to get there.

"What's up, hottie?" One of the girls smoking asked him.

Matty raised an eyebrow, giving her a look. He looked over each shoulders, before looking back at her. He knew she meant him.

"Me?" He questioned.

"Who else would I be talking about?" She asked, biting her lip, gazing intensely into Matty's pupils.

"I don't know, but it'd be kind of embarrassing if it wasn't, wouldn't it?"

"Exactly, but I see no other people here I want to fuck."

"You want to fuck me?" Matty questioned, laughing. Lately, he was getting the request quite a lot. At one of their concerts, being shouted that by a fourteen year old girl was weird. But in the courtyard at a nightclub, it seemed sane.

"Never say never, you'll have to get me quite drunk first." The girl said, smoking.

"Well then, should we head in. I'll buy you a drink." Matty said, pointing his forehead towards the entrance.

The girl smirked, taking the lead, and Matty followed. They walked in together.

~ ~ ~

"You're hot." Matty spoke, kissing her neck. Another girl, not the one he entered with.

She smiled, enjoying the moment, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. She gently pulled him off, playing hard to get.

Matty, appreciating her personal space, pulled away immediately.

"I'm sorry-" Matty started, before getting cut off by girl number two.

"No, no. It's fine. It's just, I didn't come here alone tonight." She said, slurring her words. She was obviously drunk.

"What? You came here with someone?" Matty questioned, feeling quite confused.

A broken half glass had opened his chin. Stood there in his shadow was taller, more bearded man in a leather jacket.

"What do you think you're doing?" The American guy said to Matty.

He placed his hand tightly on his chin and lip, which was now bleeding.

"It's not me, it's your girlfriend. Don't act like I forced her." Matty stood up for himself, hand still remain on his face.

"Daisy, what the fuck? What kind of washed up crack head is this?" The guy said, pushing Matty, keeping his eyes gazed on the girl.

"Ben-- I can explain."

"No, no you can't." The guy, whose name was Ben shouted.

"I've had enough trouble with you already." The bouncer announced, walking over, pointing at him. He notices his bloody chin, and the tall guy, Ben.

"Right, you're out." The bouncer says, turning the blame from Matty to Ben. Matty couldn't help but smirk.

As the bouncer pushed Ben out, keeping his hand placed on his back, chaperoning him out, Matty bit his lip, and tasted the blood. He made his way to the toilets to clean up.

In the mirror, he looked at his face. He had cleaned himself up, and looked as he did before, just a scar. As he looked at his reflection, he noticed someone else. A girl.

"I don't know love, but I'm eighty percent sure you're in the wrong toilets." Matty told the girl.

"The whole gender system confuses me," she said. "But, not that it's any of your business, I go by female pronouns. The way I was born. I just don't believe in these standards set up by society we're all meant to play to. That's all."

Matty nodded, she seemed like someone he could have an intellectual conversation with.

"I know what you mean," he said. "Even Facebook has fifty eight genders. And Facebook has grandparents and relatives of your friends. If Facebook can catch up with the world, I don't understand why the world doesn't itself."

"Exactly," she spoke, and cracked a chuckle. She fluffed her hair, and bit her lip. Out of the corner of her eyes, she looked at him.

He rested the palms of his hands on either sides of the sink, smirking and looking up.

She rested one of her hands on the sink as well, turning her body fully towards him and tilting her head.

"Can I ask you a question? And can you answer it truthfully?" She questioned

"Of course." Matty nodded, interested in where this conversation was leading to.

"How many people have you fucked tonight?" The girl asked, raising her eyebrows. Matty stood there for a second. What was considered tonight?

She nodded, looking down.

"Exactly." She said, chuckling. As she said that, another guy walked through the door. At first he looked, and looked away, and then had to do a double take at the girl.

"This is the guys toi--" he started to say.

"Not strictly." Matty said, chuckling.

Matty and the girl exchanged looks.

The next thing Matty remembered. was sleeping in the back if his car. With the girl he had met in the guys toilets. They were both lying there naked, he had out two and two together, and realised they probably fucked.

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