Two Months Later

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It's been two months now Dylan has grown into a good reliable farm dog he helped with the farm as much as he could. And in his free time. He would look at the stars with his telescope or hangout at the beach surfing with the guys. It was time to bring in his first harvest. Dylan was helping Bill bring the bales of wheat into the barn.

Bill: Well that the last off it. Good work Dylan (Smacking his back with his paw) I'm proud off you boy you're just like your old man. (Smiling )

Dylan: Thanks sir that means a lot. (Smiling)
Well we got to go me and Summer have plans with the guys down on the beach.

Bill: Okay I'll see you later don't keep Summer out too late.

Dylan: I won't see you later.

Dylan heads over to Summer who was hang bed sheets with Margaret on a close line.

Dylan: Are you ready to go?

Summer: Almost (Hanging a bed sheet on the line) Done!! I'm heading out with Dylan see you later mum.

Margaret: See you both later.

Summer: Finally I've been washing bedding all day!

Dylan: At least we will have fresh bedding when we get back.

Summer: True come on we don't want to keep the guys waiting.

Dylan and Summer then heads down to the beach where they sees Spike, Drake and Paul chatting amongst themselves.

Dylan: Hi guys how's it going?

Drake: Dylan great you up for more surfing?

Dylan: You know it. (Smiling)

Spike: I know let's see who can ride the biggest wave!

Paul: Sounds like a challenge you're on loser buys the hotdogs!

Summer: Boy's you're acting like puppies. (Crossing her paws whilst shaking her head)

Dylan, Summer, Spike and Paul rent some surf boards and spent the whole evening surfing. Competing to see who could ride the biggest waves until it was time to hand in their surf boards.

Spike: Dylan you improved a lot in a short time.

Drake: Yeah Dylan you're like a different dog now. (Paw bumping Dylan)

Dylan: Nah guys I'm still the same dog.

Paul: Since Summer lost she needs to buy the hotdogs! (Cheerfully)

Summer: I wasn't competing it was between you four.

Spike: So who lost?

Dylan: I lost you guy road bigger waves then me.

Dylan goes to a hotdog vendor and buys four hotdogs. He hands out hotdogs to Spike, Drake and Paul.

Summer: Dylan where's my hotdog?

Spike: I thought you said you wasn't competing?

Summer: I wasn't but I still fancy a hotdog. (Annoyed)

Dylan: I'm sorry I just had enough money for four hotdogs here take mine.

Summer: No it's okay you eat it Dylan.

Dylan: (Cuts the hotdog in half) Here have half off mine I'm not that hungry anyway.

Summer: Thanks Dylan.
(Taking half off the hotdog)

Spike: Aww young love! (Smirking)

Paul: You're making me feel sick. (Smirking)

Summer It's not like that Dylan just a close friend! (Blushing bright red) Come on Dylan it's time to go back.

Dylan and Summer return to the farm Dylan decides to go to his room to read a book about Mars. When he notices the paw pad starts ringing Dylan picks it up.

Dawkins: Hi Dylan how are you?

Dylan: I'm fine Dawkins how's things back at home?

Dawkins: Things are going great there's a reason why I'm calling you Dylan. It's Dorothy first birthday tomorrow do you think you could come and see her. She's been asking for you it will mean a great deal to her.

Dylan: I'll be there just got to tell Bill, Margaret and Summer but I won't miss her first birthday for the world!

Dawkins: That's brilliant news! I can't wait to tell the others. I'll see you sometime tomorrow bye Dylan. (Hangs up)

Dylan goes up stairs sees Margaret,Bill and Summer sat in the living room watching tv.

Dylan: I need sometime off I know it's short notice. But I've got to go home for a bit it's my little sister first birthday I don't want to miss it.

Bill: Now the harvest is over it's should be a lot quieter around here. I'm sure we can manage without you. (Smiling)

Margaret: We understand when are you leaving?

Dylan: Now I've going to catch the next bus in town.

Summer: What already can't you go tomorrow morning? (Upset)

Dylan: If I leave tomorrow morning I won't see my sister until later on that night.

Bill: Before you go you're forgetting something (Bill passes Dylan a brown paper envelope)

Dylan: What's in it? (Shocked)

Dylan opens the bag and sees a lot of money notes.

Bill: It's your wages you earned it.

Dylan was still shocked he never been paid before.

Bill: You didn't think you was working for free. (Laughing)

Dylan: Thanks for that I'll spend it wisely. (Putting the money in his bag he had brought with him)

Margaret: You take care and know your always welcome back anytime.
(Smiling then hugs Dylan)

Summer: I'll come to the bus station with you Dylan.

Dylan and Summer head back into town to the bus station. The bus had already turned up before he could get on the bus he's pulled back by his collar. Summer then hugs him.

Summer: I'm going to miss you!
(Tears falling down her face)

Dylan: (Drying her eyes with his paw) Hey don't cry we will see each over again soon. I'm only going for a few days I'll be back in a week or two. (Smiling)

Summer: Really you're not just saying that? (Drying her eyes)

Dylan: No I'm having way to much fun working at the farm I promise I'm coming back.

Dylan gets on the bus. The door shut behind him the bus sets off from the bus station. Dylan opens a window and waves goodbye to Summer. 

Summer: Bye Dylan (Upset)

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