Farm Life Part Two

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Early that following morning.

Bill: Rise and shine Dylan!

Dylan: It's to early! (Yawns rubbing his eyes)

Bill: Come on boy Get up. We've got a busy day a head off us. I have lot's off chores for you.

Dylan slowly gets out off bed. Then follows Bill outside too the stables. Bill pass Dylan a shovel and a black sack.

Dylan: What do you want me to do with this? (Curiously)

Bill: Well whilst I'm milking the cows I need you to shovel their poo and put it in the bag then change their hay.

Dylan: Eww got it sir.

Dylan cleaned the stables whilst Bill milked the cows. In that time Summer came outside to begin her chores.

Summer: He had you cleaning out the stables unlucky break hahaha. (Sniffs) Eww you stink Dylan you need a bath! (Holding her nose)

Dylan: (Sarcastically) What you don't want a hug? (Reaching out his paws)

Summer: No stay away!! (Smiling)

Dylan: So what's your job Summer? (Curiously) 

Summer: Well my first job today is to gather the eggs from the chicken cope.

Dylan: Pff that's easy let me help you.
(Enters the chicken cope)

Summer: Dylan no!!

To late Dylan starts getting chased by six big chickens around the yard whilst Summer collects all the eggs in a basket then Summer rounds the chickens into the cope.

Summer: (Laughing) Hahaha thank Dylan you were a big help. But I'm still not hugging you (Smiling)

Dylan: (Out of breath) Easy peasy.

Bill: We'll Margaret should have made breakfast let's go in and have some. (Smells Dylan) Pew have you been rolling in it? You're not coming in my house smelling like that. (Grabs a hose pipe and begins spraying Dylan)

Dylan: Brew it's freezing!

Bill: Quit your bellyaching it's just water! (Sniffing Dylan) There that's a lot better come on our breakfast getting cold.

Dylan shakes himself dry then enters the kitchen. He then sits next to Summer.

Summer: (Summer hugs Dylan) That's better you don't smell now!

Margaret places a bowl off sausages, beacon and fried egg in front off Dylan. He then try's Margaret food.

Dylan: This is delicious! (Eating quick)

Margaret: See Bill, Summer someone likes my cooking.

Bill: The lad probably not got any taste buds or is used to eating canned dog food.

Bill: We'll we are off to our next job come Dylan you too Summer come on.

Dylan and Summer follow Bill to a large empty field next to nine identical one. Bill then straps on a steel frame plough to Dylan back.

Bill: Good it fits right. So Dylan I want you to run up and down this field in a straight line back and forward whilst pulling the plough. After that I want you to plant these corn seeds. You have ten field in total to go over. Since old Bessie not working. (Pointing to the tractor) You're the new plow horse haha. Me and Summer are going to be over there rounding those sheep up. (Pointing to sheep) then shear them for their wool in the barn.

Margaret comes out off house and was loading boxes and off eggs and bottles off milk onto a van.

Margaret: I'm off to sell the eggs and milk dear. I'll see you later do your best Dylan.

Dylan: I will Margaret. (Smiling)

Dylan start getting to work but he could hardly move the plough. With each step he feels pains in his legs. A few hours go by and he had finished plowing his first field.

Dylan: (Collapse) I did I did it now I can take this off! (Removing the plough) Now I only have to plant the seeds.

Summer walks over.

Summer: Good job Dylan only another nine more. I'll help plant the seeds in. You get to work on plowing the rest off the fields.

Dylan: (Tired) Okay thanks.

Summer helps put the heavy plough on Dylan back. He then moves to the next field after a few hours it was now getting dark Margaret had just came back from town with no milk or eggs Bill walks over to Dylan.

Bill: It's quitting time boy taking the plough off Dylan back. (Then gives him a hard smack on the back) Not bad for your first day on the job  boy. You look scrawny but you're tougher then you look haha. Come on let's get some dinner you have earned it.

Dylan: Thanks. (Stroking his bad back)

Dylan, Summer, Bill, Margaret.
Head back inside the farmhouse. Dylan and Summer collapse on the sofa watching tv. Whilst Margaret and Bill prepared dinner. An hour later dinner was ready Dylan join Summer and the rest off her family at the kitchen table and eat the meal Margaret and Bill had prepared for him after he had finished eating.

Margaret: So how was your first day on the farm Dylan did you enjoy it?

Dylan: Exhausting but I enjoyed I got plenty of fresh air I think I'm going to like working here.

Margaret: I'm glad to hear it. (Smiling)

Bill: I let you have a lay in as it was your first day. And it was late last night when you arrived. Tomorrow I want you up at the crack off dawn.

Dylan: No problem. I'm going to my room and rest thanks for the meal.

Dylan goes to his room and gets his paw pad out off his bag then calls Dawkins.

Dawkins: Dylan it's so good to hear from you how's the farm life?

Dylan: It's great but tiring how's everything at home.

Dawkins: Erm if I'm being honest it's a mess but Dolly getting the hang off doing your chores or palm them off to me to work. She's a sleep in the other room. If you want to talk to her I could go and wake her up?

Dylan: No that okay I'm going to sleep soon myself. (Interrupted)

Delilah: My baby how are you? Are you eating right? Brushing your teeth? (Worriedly)

Dylan: Mum it's just been a day I'm doing okay. (Embarrassed) I'm eating well mum actually you know the dogs I'm staying with Margaret and Bill and their daughter Summer.

Delilah: That's a load off my mind I know you're in good hands. Bill was Donnie best friend and business partner when they were young. You watch your manners. (Sound off glass breaking in the background) I've got to go Dylan I'll talk to you soon.
(Blows a kiss then logs off)

Dylan lays down in bed his feet and back was aching. He then starts thinking about home and his brother and sisters then fell asleep.

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