The Gang

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Back in Cornwall:

Dylan wakes up before everyone and heads outside he notices the tractor and what Bill had told him yesterday how it was still broken. He decides to take a look at it after examining the tractor he notices the problems with it.

Bill: Morning your up early can't sleep. What are you up too? I told you old Bessie is busted.

Dylan: Ohh good morning I wanted some fresh air and noticed your tractor. I'm quite good with machines so I decided to have a quick look at the tractor. I've identified the problem. You need a new fan belt as this one has snapped see. (Pointing at the busted fan belt)

Bill: (Looking at Dylan shocked) Good work boy. Come on since we are both up let's start them chores.

Dylan and bill started cleaning the barn like they did yesterday. After finishing their chores they joins Summer and Margaret in the kitchen for breakfast.

Bill: Margaret Dylan found out what the problem with old Bessie she needs a new fan belt.

Margaret: Really good work Dylan.

Dylan: It's nothing really if I had a replacement part I could fix her?

Bill: I think they might be one at the old scrap yard. (Interrupted)

Summer: (Excitedly) Mum, Dad let me and Dylan go! I can show him around town.(Smiling at Dylan)

Margaret: That's a wonderful idea. (Cheerfully)

Bill: Okay you can go but don't be too long those fields won't plow themselves.

Dylan: We won't sir I promise to be back as quick as I can. (Runs outside with Summer)

Bill: He reminds me a lot off his father. (Smiling)

Margaret: I thought the same he's a good boy. (Smiling)

Summer starts showing Dylan around town. Pointing too all her favourite hangout spots. Then head to the scrapyard where they see a British bulldog guarding the gate.

Bulldog: Can I help you two?

Dylan: Yes sir I'm looking for a fan belt? I was told that you might have one for an old tractor?

Bulldog: (Presses a button and the gate opens) Around the back there's some old broken tractors. They might have what your looking for.

Dylan: Thank you.

Heads inside the scrapyard with Summer
After a few minutes of searching Dylan finds a rusty old tractor with a fan belt still intact.

Dylan: This is it!! (Wagging his tail excitedly)

Summer: Alright Dylan well done!
(Kisses Dylan on the check)

Dylan: (Blushing) Let's head back hopefully this fixes old Bessie.

Dylan and Summer pay the bulldog for the part and head back to the farm. Dylan grabs some work tools and removes the old fan belt and replace it with the new one.

Dylan: (Wiping the sweat from his face) That should do it you can start her up! (Excitedly)

Bill gets on tractor and turns the key in the ignition and puts his paw on the accelerator. The tractor makes a load noice then begins moving. Bill circle the yard then he turns off the tractor and jumps down.

Bill: (Hugging Dylan) Well done lad I can't believe you fixed it! You're going to save us hours off work. (Cheerfully)

Dylan: You're very welcome. (Embarrassed)

Bill: Come on let's have our dinner.

Dylan, Summer,Bill head in the kitchen where Margaret had prepared dinner. After dinner  Dylan helped Margaret clean the bowls.

Bill: Dylan you deserve the afternoon off go have some fun you have earned it.

Dylan: What about the field shouldn't I get to work?

Summer: (Whispering In Dylan's ear) Let's go before he changes his mind.
(Summer pulls Dylan outside by his collar)

Summer: Few close one! Dylan my dad doesn't normally give us time off when there's work to do.

Dylan: Sorry I didn't know.

Summer: That's okay Dylan. Come on I'll show you the guys and what we do for fun around here.

Dylan: I'm right behind you.

Dylan Follows Summer down to the beach where he recognises a familiar Dog who was hanging around with two other dogs he didn't recognise.

Dylan: Hi spike how's it going?

Spike: (Shocked) Dylan! Is that really you? Guys this is one my friends from London. I told you about the lighthouse incident last year.

Spike: It's good to see you again. (Paw bumps)

Dylan: It's good to see you again Spike.

Spike: Let me introduce you to the gang. The two dogs behind me are called Drake and Paul.

Drake: A friend of spike is a friend of ours. (Paw bumps Dylan)

Paul: Likewise bro! (Paw bumps Dylan)

Spike: Say Dolly not with you is she?
(Looking around)

Dylan: No sorry it's just me my family back in London.

Summer: I was hoping you be able to show Dylan how to surf?

Dylan: what!!! (Shocked) I don't think I'll be any good (Scared look)

Drake: Come on Dylan you be okay we be watch over you. I'll make sure you don't get hurt.

Dylan: (Sigh) Fine.

Dylan, Drake, Paul, Summer and spike rent some surfboards from a rent shack nearby and get in the ocean. Dylan at first found it hard to keep balance on the board. After awhile he started to get the hang off it and was having fun. It was getting late so they returned the surf boards and headed back into to town.

Dylan: That was incredible! (Tail wagging)

Spike: Haha I knew you like it join us anytime you officially one off the guys now.
(Hugs Dylan with Paul and Drake)

Dylan: Thanks guys I will take you up on that offer. (Smiling)

Summer: It's getting late time we headed back to the farm Dylan catch you later guys.

Spike: Woah you're staying at Summer's place?

Summer: Yes he's living on the farm with me.

On hearing this Spike, Drake, Paul started Wolf whistling.

Summer: It's not like that you jerks!! We sleep in separate rooms!! (Blushing bright red)

Spike: Sure whatever you say Summer. (Smirking)

Dylan and Summer head back to the farm. Bill and Margaret had already gone to bed.

Dylan: Thanks Summer that was so much fun I enjoyed hanging out with the guys.

Summer: I knew you like it. (Smiling) Would you like to watch a movie with me?

Dylan: Sure what should we watch?

Summer: I don't know let's see what's on tv?

Dylan and Summer sit on the sofa watching an action movie until Dylan falls asleep laying his head on Summer's shoulder. Summer Gently lays his head onto a pillow cushions. Then kisses Dylan on his forehead and upstairs to bed.

Summer: Goodnight Dylan. (Smiling)

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