Farm Life

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Dylan goes upstairs to his parents bedroom with a travel bag he had just packed to talk to them.

Dylan: Mum, dad I'm leaving I've found a job on a farm in Cornwall I feel I need a new start.

Delilah: (Shocked) Dylan why what brought this on?

Dylan: I finally told Dolly how I feel and she didn't reciprocate the same feelings. I feel we need some space a part and I feel like I need a new challenge.

Doug: Son don't you think you being a bit over dramatic. Please reconsider the pup's will miss you we will miss you!

Dylan: No dad I've made up my mind I need this new start. Besides my father was a farm and this is chance to try it out.

Delilah: I see that you have made up your mind. (Hugs Dylan with tears in her eyes) My big boy you're always welcome to comeback home anytime the door away open for you.

Dylan: (Tear's in his eyes) Off course mum, dad I love you (Joins a group hug with Delilah and Doug) I'll comeback and visit I promise and phone you.

Dylan Leaves his the parents bedroom with his bag in his mouth and head downstairs. He's then stopped by Dawkins near the entrance.

Dawkins: Where are you going Dylan?(Concerned)

Dylan: I'm leaving I'm off to Cornwall look after the pup's whilst I'm gone.

Dawkins: Dylan we need you here please don't go! I don't want to say goodbye to anyone else! (Crying)

Dylan: (Hugs Dawkins) Come on now little bro. You need too be strong. I'll still comeback and visit. I just need a new challenge just like our farther Donnie.

Dawkins: (Wiping his eyes) Okay best of luck bro. You better keep in touch or I'll drag you back! (Smiling slightly)

Dylan: I will bro count on it! (Paw bumps)

Dylan then leaves for the bus stop. Where he sees Fergus walking down the street.

Fergus: Woah woah where are you going Dyl?

Dylan: I'm off to Cornwall to work on a farm.

Fergus: I see things didn't go well with Dolly? I'm sorry to hear that mate.

Dylan: You've guessed right. I've got to go I don't want to miss my bus. Can I ask a favour off you? Keep a watch over for Dolly for me.

Fergus: Will do mate. (Paw bumps)

Dylan goes to the bus station and gets on a bus to Cornwall.

With Dolly in attic:

Dolly: Stupid Dylan he's not ruining this night for me! I've finally got a date I've been waiting month's for I'll won't let him ruin it!

Dolly Grabs her skateboard Then goes to park. Dolly heads over to the water fountain but stops when she hears laughter coming from behind the statue.

???: Hansel you have the sweetest lips.

Dolly sees a black Labrador with Hansel on a park bench.

Hansel: Did I tell you Kate you're the most beautiful dog in the world? Like a majestic angel fallen from the heavens.

Kate: You're not so bad looking yourself.(Laying her head on Hansel lap whilst wagging her tail)

Dolly turns to face the two dogs on the bench.

Dolly: (Tears in eyes) Dylan was right about you are a womaniser! (Shouting)

Hansel: (Shocked) Dolly you're early! It's only half seven what are you doing here I said eight o'clock?

Dolly x Dylan Where stories live. Discover now