Chapter 11: The serpents pass

Start from the beginning

Ticket lady: Next!

Aang: Um, four tickets for the ferry to Ba Sing Se, please.

Ticket lady: Passports?

Aang: Uh... no one told us we had to have passports.

Sokka: Don't you know who this is? He's the Avatar!

Ticket lady: Ah, I see fifty Avatars a day and, by the way, not a very impressive costume. (She looks to the side to see several impostors; she then notices Momo.) Besides, no animals allowed. Do I need to call security?

The platypus bear chomps down on the cabbage. Momo hides in fear.

Aang: That won't be necessary.

Ticket lady: Next!

Toph: I'll take care of this. My name is Toph Beifong, and I'll need five tickets. (Presents her passport.)

Ticket lady: Ah, the golden seal of the flying boar! It is my pleasure to help anyone of the Beifong family.

Toph: It is your pleasure. As you can see, I am blind and these four imbeciles are my valets. (Sweeps her arm behind her, presenting her friends to the hesitant clerk.)

Ticket lady: But, the animal-

Toph: -is my seeing-eye lemur.

Ticket lady: Well, normally it's only one ticket per passport, but this document is so official... I guess it's worth five tickets. (Stamps an approval seal on the tickets.)

Toph: Thank you very much.

Sokka: All right, we scammed that lady good!

Suddenly, a security guard, actually Suki without makeup, grabs Sokka.

Suki: Tickets and passports please.

Sokka: Is there a problem?

Suki: Yeah, I got a problem with you! I've seen your type before. Probably sarcastic, think you're hilarious and let me guess, you're traveling with the Avatar.

Sokka: Do I know you?

Suki: You mean you don't remember? Maybe you'll remember this! (Kisses Sokka on the cheek.)

Sokka: Suki! (Embraces her.)

Suki: Sokka, it's good to see you!

Faith pops up behind Sokka and her eyes light up.

Faith: Suki!

She runs forward and leaps onto her causing them both to laugh and embrace each other.

Later, in a different location of the station. The gang and Suki talk.

Katara: You look so different without your makeup! And the new outfit.

Suki: That crabby lady makes all the security guards wear them. And look at you, sleeveless guy. Been working out?

Sokka: Ahhh, I'll grab a tree branch and do a few chin touches every now and then. Nothing major.

Aang: Are the other Kyoshi Warriors around?

Suki: Yeah. After you left Kyoshi, we wanted to find a way to help people. We ended up escorting some refugees and we've been here ever since. (Momo jumps up next to her.) Hi, Momo! Good to see you too! (Scratches his head near his ear.) So why are you guys getting tickets for the ferry? Wouldn't you just fly across on Appa?

Katara: Appa is missing. We hope to find him in Ba Sing Se.

Suki: I'm so sorry to hear that. (To Aang.) Are you doing okay?

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