A Lot to Use You For

Start from the beginning

"I have no idea what you mean by that, Kane."

I wasn't offended by it and I'm sure he picked up that I wasn't. I just didn't know where he got it from. It was true, that boys couldn't get me and that Anthony of all boys wouldn't get me, but when did Kane pick up on that. Why did Kane think that because I was sure, or maybe hoping, we had different reasonings.

"I don't know, Nicole," Kane shook his head. He briefly made eye contact with me before he looked away to collect his thoughts. "You're just so different from them. I mean it's obvious you are, considering what you said this morning," he rambles, half ass explaining himself.

"What did I say this morning" I questioned, my teeth biting at my bottom lip rather impatiently.

"I don't know, you tell me," his tone got darker as he spoke.

"That I'm 'rather confident'" I repeated. Kane smirked to himself as he readjusted the ring on his finger. "That's the one," he said as I continued to pick off my poptart.

"I don't understand your obsession with those things," Kane says as he points to the poptarts in my hand. Upon mention of them, I realized I wasn't really hungry but eating out of nerves and boredom, and to my knowledge, Kane had never had a poptart. I pointed the package of pastries towards him and he kindly accepted, taking the foil wrapped poptarts out of my hands. I wasn't going to finish them anyways.

"What are your plans for the future," he asked, making mindless small talk, something he knew I hated.

"Kane," I said annoyed. His eyebrows raised as he picked at the poptarts. "I know, I know. But this isn't small talk, alright," he smiled at me from across the table.

"I'm just trying to feel you out better, I haven't really been able to catch up with you in certain areas," he admitted and he was right.

I rolled my eyes and gave in. It wasn't often I let someone pick my brain and I don't even think Josh knew what I wanted to do as a career.

"I don't know, I've always been good with my words," I mentioned. Kane hummed in agreement, already done with the half of the poptart I started and was starting to eat at the second one in the package. I guess he got it now.

"So I was thinking English teacher," I threw out as I watched him enjoy the pastry. His head shot up as his face was smeared with confusion, a displeasured sound coming from his mouth.

I was waiting for that, everyone made that face or that sound. Everyone looked down on teachers.

"The pay, Clover," he said. His body turned away from me upon my announcement of future plans, legs crossed and hunched away in pure confusion.

His legs uncrossed as he swiveled in his chair toward me once more, hands facing me and moving ever so slightly as he spoke.

"Sweetheart, did you ever consider being too good for that job? I mean, youre a smart ass, so I know that's in your vocabulary," Kane said nonchalantly as my mouth was left open wide in shock.

"I'm the smart ass," I thought aloud.

"It's not like you try to hide your narcissism Nicole. I'm sure your favorite type of glass is clean and reflective," he added on.

"Nice one," I shot back. He had a way with being flattering and offensive at the same time.

"No really, babygirl, you need to think about that," my heart rate quickened for a few moments before returning to normal. "You know you could go further than that. I don't know Clove, I thought you would do something a bit more," he thought for a second. "Aggressive," he phrased as a question.

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