Chapter 9: The WaterBending Scroll

Start from the beginning

She begins to relax in the water before Aang comes around the rock clearly looking for her.

Aang: Faith? Faith? Fai- (See's Faith in the water. Faith Gasps before going deeper in the water and Aang covers his eyes and turns around.) We are! Going to find supplies! Leaving in! Five mins! Hurry up! (He runs away.)

Faith breaths out deeply before going to the edge of the Water and AirBending her clothes to her. She gets out and quickly uses her AirBending to dry herself off. She gets dressed and runs back over to her friends.

Faith: (Waves.) Let's get going.

Aang: (Turns To her and immediately blushes and looks away.) Race ya! (He begins to run off in a random direction.)

Katara: (Confused.) What happened?

Faith: (Looks away blushing slightly.) He kinda saw me Naked.

Sokka: (Jaw drops.) He What?!

Faith: (Changing the subject.) Let's just go.

Faith, Katara, Sokka, and Aang walk through the streets of a city market and port. Many armed men staring at the four. Sokka and Katara look nervous while Aang looks around in wonder. Faith just stares at the men back clearly keeping an eye on them.

Sokka: (Walking back from alleyway with a bag over his shoulders.) We've got exactly three copper pieces left from the money that King Bumi gave us. Let's spend it wisely.

Aang: Uh, make that two copper pieces, Sokka. I couldn't say no to this whistle! (Pulls out a white whistle that looks like a bison, takes a huge breath and blows into it, but it barely makes a sound.)

Sokka: (Pulls out fingers over his ears after expecting a loud noise.) It doesn't even work. (Aang stops blowing when Momo squawks at him.) See? Even Momo thinks it's a piece of junk.

Katara: No offense Aang, but I'll hold the money from now on. (Aang hands her the two copper coins.)

Oh: (Moving hands and shouting excitedly.) Earth Nation! Fire Nation! Water Nation! So long as bargains are your inclination, you're welcome here! Don't be shy, come on by! (Faith, Sokka, Katara, and Aang walk by and he runs up to them.) Oh! You there, I can see from your clothing that you're world-traveling types. Perhaps I can interest you in some exotic curios? (Looks at Faith and smiles.)

Aang: (Walks back to the man.) Sure! What are curios?

Oh: (Looks confused and thinks.) I'm not entirely sure. But we got 'em!

Faith: (Walks over to Aang.) Aang, we need to go. (Tugs on his top.)

Oh: (Smiles at the girl.) What about you young traveler? (Puts his hand on Faith's shoulder and smiles, walking her into the ship.)

Aang: (Follows closely trying to grab Faith back; Whispers.) Faith?

As they enter the boat Faith breaks free from his grasp and runs over to Aang. Aang catches her in a hug and holds her Hand as he continues to walk into the shop.

Aang: (Looks up close at an item on a shelf, confused.) Huh?

Katara stares at an ornate monkey statue on one of the shelves eerily.

Pirate captain: (Standing in a dark doorway as Aang passes by while holding onto Faith's hand pulling her close.) I've never seen such a fine specimen of lemur. (Walks into the light, an iguana parrot on his shoulder.) That beast would fetch me a hefty sum if you'd be interested in bartering. (The iguana parrot squawks at them.)

Aang: (Grabbing Momo.) Momo is not for sale. (He death glares the Pirate. Faith takes Melody for safe measures.)

Katara walks over to a shelf where a number of scrolls are kept. She grabs one with the waterbending symbol on it and opens it to see lines of waterbending diagrams and writing.

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