Chapter 2: The Avatar Returns

Start from the beginning

Sokka: (Sarcastically, with arms crossed.) Let's see your bison fly now, air boy.

Aang: (Encouragingly.) Come on Appa, you can do it. Yip-yip!

Aang flicks the reins, but Appa merely rises and growls.

Sokka: (Mockingly.) Yeah, I thought so!

Cana: (Runs from crowd to stand next to katara.) Aang! (Aang looks down at her and smiles.) When you see Faith tell her I said I'll miss her! (Tears form in her eyes as they fall down her cheeks.)

Aang: I will Cana, I will. And she will miss you too. Come on Appa.

Appa turns and plods, disappearing over the hill. Cana sighs and slowly walks back to the group of villagers as Katara stands there and watches him leave.


Appa and Aang rest on an ice formation. Appa growls a little as Aang sighs.

Aang: I hope we find Faith soon. (Catches sight of a Fire Nation ship advancing toward the Southern Water Tribe, he gasps.) The village! (He slides off the ice formation onto the ground.) We can look for Faith after, Appa wait here!

Appa merely responds by growling as Aang starts rushing down towards the village.


Sokka stands on the top wall in a defensive position as Zuko's fire nation ship approaches the village. It starts to increase in speed and cuts through the icy sea. The ship starts to plow through the snowy shores, splintering the ground. Sokka looks up terrified by the large ship. The ships approach creates a large crack that quickly travels toward the village and over the wall. The bow of the ship plows through the snow. Sokka raises his club in defence ready to strike. Before he can make his move however, the bow crumbles a large portion of the wall into snowy ruins. The snow slides downward, pushing Sokka several feet back before he lands to a halt. With a loud hiss of steam, the ship has come to a halt as well. The bow of the ship creaks opening forming a walkway. The villagers take step back in complete shock.

Prince Zuko descends from the ship along with two guards. Sokka let's out a battle cry and charges at the prince with his club to the ready. When he reaches Zuko, the prince merely kicks the club to his left and, without ever resting his leg on the ground, kicks Sokka right over his right, sending him head first into the snow where his head becomes trapped. Sokka desperately tries to free himself as Zuko continues making his way to the village. Followed by six more men. Zuko approaches. He passes to the right when he does not seem to find what he is looking for and stops in front of Katara, who is holding on to Kanna.

Zuko: (Angrily.) Where are you hiding him?

Zuko surveys the crowd of villagers, who fall completely silent. Without warning, he extends his arm out into the crowd and grabs Kanna holding her by her hood.

Zuko: (Shaking Kanna; Annoyed.) He'd be about this age, master of all elements.

He shoves Kanna forcefully back into the crowd. Kanna shudders in fear and embraces Katara while Katara shoots a glare at Zuko. Receiving no response. Zuko swings his arm out and releases an arc of fire that passes just over the heads of the people, causing them to cover their heads and cry out in fear.

Zuko: (Angrily.) I know your hiding him!

Sokka runs over to his club lying on the floor and picks it up, most of his war paint has come off by now. He lets out another battle cry as he chargers towards the prince. Zuko swiftly turns around just as Sokka approaches, he ducks under Sokka's wide swing and hurls the warrior forward. Sokka lands on his rear in the snow and is quickly forced to dart from his spot when Zuko fires a blast at him. Sokka spins to the side and tosses his boomerang at the enemy who barely manages to miss getting hit by the weapon. Zuko growls and glares at Sokka in anger at the near hit; he follows the course of the weapon until it vanished before looking back at Sokka in anger. One of the village boys tosses Sokka a spear.

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