Book 1 Chapter 1: In the Iceberg

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Sokka: Why is it that every time you play with magic water, I get soaked?

Sokka clenches his fists and a few drops of water fall from his soaked gloves.

Katara: (She sighs slightly before answering in slight annoyance.) It's not 'magic' it's WaterBending! And it's...

Sokka: Yeah, yeah. "An ancient art unique to our culture", blah, blah, blah. Look, I'm just saying (grabbing his warriors wolf knot with his left hand as he turns away from her, wringing the water out of it. Meanwhile, Katara has crossed her arms.) That if I had weird powers, I'd keep my weirdness to myself.

Katara: (Raises an eyebrow skeptically, arms still crossed.) You're calling me weird? I'm not the one who makes muscles at myself every time I see my reflection in the water!

Near the end of her response, katara smiles smugly at her brother; Sokka is flexing at his reflection and grinning confidently. His happy look vanished upon hearing his sister's remark and he turns around slowly, meaning to face her. Before he can say anything however, the canoe suddenly shudders. As they both try to keep from falling over, Sokka whirls around towards his end of the canoe with a frantic look plastered on his face. The boat is caught up in a rapid current, which is pulling swiftly towards a jumble of large icebergs which block the end of the narrow passage forced by towering walls of ice. Sokka paddles the boat in hope of staying clear of any floating chunks of ice. He manages to gain just enough speed to keep the boat from being crushed by two icebergs which slam together behind the boat. The canoe continues moving through the water as Sokka rows furiously; every ten seconds the canoe almost being smashed by colliding ice chunks. Katara's face fills with panic as she starts yelling out commands towards her brother.

Katara: Watch out! Go left! Go left!

The boat manages to stay clear of some of the icebergs, but it veers to the right because of the current and becomes pinned by three large chunks of ice. As the canoe is completely crushed by the ice, Katara and Sokka throw themselves from the canoe and onto one of the floating ice chunks; Katara nearly slides off the other side and into the water, but comes to a halt at the chunk's very edge. As she raises her head she looks around, and the siblings are on a floating giant ice chunk among many others. Katara, shuffling on her hands and knees and moves away from the rim towards the middle of the chunk, sitting next to her brother. His spear is embedded point-first in the ice just behind him.

Katara: (A touch of bitterness in her voice) You call that left?

Sokka: You don't like my steering? Well, maybe you should've (he waves his hands, mockingly imitating WaterBending.) WaterBended us out of the ice.

Next to the chunk of ice the siblings sat on was a pointed iceberg, it's craggy peak rising above the siblings. Katara gets on her feet again, facing Sokka so that the iceberg is behind her.

Katara: (Indignantly) So it's my fault?!

Sokka: (Annoyed) I knew I should've left you home! (Katara is staring down at her brother angrily as he continues to rant.) Leave it to a girl to screw things up!

Katara points her finger at him furiously and begins to shout her disgust at him.

Katara: You are the most sexist, (she brings her hands up to her head and swings them back down and behind her in rage; the movement creates a small wave behind her.) Immature (Hands raised back to her head) Nut brained..... (Swings her arm back down again creating a slightly larger wave; she raises her hands back to her head during a brief loss of words.) I'm embarrassed (Throwing a hand upward, a short jet of water shoots upward as well.) To be related to you!

She swings her hands back forcefully once again and her unconscious WaterBending make a wave directly into the towering iceberg behind her; with a loud splitting crack, a hooklike fissure arcs up its surface and out its side, leaving a spray of ice where it ends. Sokka, who wears a rather disinterested expression glances briefly in his sister's direction and see's the iceberg; after a short moment, he does a double-take, his expression morphing into one of terror and fear. Katara's outburst continues with her verbal words and arm movements, little chunks of the iceberg splash into the water, unheard and unnoticed by Katara.

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