common sense

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note: thank you so much to @lovedove06 for the idea. i added a bit of a twist if that's ok hehehe also this is written in ricky's pov!

common sense tells me kiss the girl goodbye
common sense tells me leave it all behind

hurt. frustration. sadness. these were the mixed emotions i felt upon opening a beautifully decorated white envelope. it was nini's wedding invitation. she was getting married to my college best friend, ezra.

he and i briefly met during our freshmen year at college, when nini was still my girlfriend. he was in two of my classes. we started hanging out after. i knew the minute he saw nini, ezra was developing a tiny crush on her but i didn't mind, because i knew that nini would still choose me over him and if ever the same thing happens to me, i'd still choose her, because i love her.

common sense says the girl's not worth my time
but common sense ain't common when you come to mind

during our junior year at college, nini and i got into this huge fight. something to do with how she was getting very close to my college best friend. she said she couldn't handle my jealousy anymore and that she felt hurt knowing that i didn't trust her enough. i immediately walked out of our apartment to have some alone time and when i went back, i saw our apartment, half empty. her ukulele and keyboard were nowhere to be seen, as well the pictures of her family and friends that were hung in the walls. i rush back to our room, seeing her closet empty until i stumble into a note saying, "i can't do this anymore, ricky. goodbye." as i read the note, tears started falling down my face. i couldn't believe it. what the hell did i just do? i ask myself. i fucked up by letting her go.

common sense told me she was not worthwhile
common sense told me don't go the extra mile

as i was walking to the other building to attend my music lecture, i see nini together with ezra, having some coffee and laughing. upon seeing them, i felt hurt, knowing that she had moved on so quickly.

one night, ezra comes up to my apartment, telling me about his relationship with nini. again, i feel like my heart was just stabbed when i heard him say that. ezra was constantly apologizing, knowing that nini was my ex, the love of my life. i didn't have the right to get mad at him so i just respond with, "bro, it's ok. no need to apologize. i see how you make her happy. just please don't let her go because she's a special girl."

common sense said go back and reconcile
but common sense forgot about her smile

i get a call from ezra, asking me if i received the invitation and if i was willing to be his best man at the wedding. i said yes. after all, he's still one of my best friends. he adds that there will be a rehearsal dinner coming up and he begged me to come especially since i am his best man, and i say yes as well. i immediately call big red, my high school best friend, telling him about the best man stuff and asking him if i'm doing the right thing. he immediately replies, telling me that i am doing the right thing and that everything is in the past. he asks me one last question, making my whole body freeze. "are you still in love with nini?" i didn't reply and i immediately come up with an excuse to stop the conversation.

when i walk back to my room, i check my closet to see if i have anything to wear for the rehearsal dinner until i see a white box covered with dust. i open it and i see old high school photos. there was one photo that stood out, it was a photo taken during the opening night of east high's production high school musical, where i played troy and she played gabriella. I clearly remember that this was taken after we got back together. my arms were wrapped around her shoulders and she was smiling widely. as i stare at the photo, tears started to come. of course, after all these years, i am still in love with her.

second chances are thought of to be weak
second chances in volumes do they speak
second chances aren't given usually
but a second chance is all i really need

i arrive at the rehearsal dinner, greeted by my high school friends. i was so happy to finally see them again after all these years. we walk in to this fancy ballroom, looking for our respective tables. since i was the best man and kourtney was nini's maid of honor, we both expected that we would sit next to the bride and groom.

as soon as we reached the table, i see carol and dana. upon seeing me, the both get out of their chairs to give me a hug and asked me how i've been, replying that i am doing well. carol then whispers to me, "dana and i kinda hoped that this was yours and nini's wedding rehearsal." i let out a chuckle. i kinda hoped too.

later on, ezra and nini walk up to me and kourtney and they both give us a hug and they thank us for being the best man and maid of honor respectively. i compliment how good nini looks and her face turns red. ezra whispers to me that he needs to attend to something, as well as kourtney, making me left alone with nini. she lets out a sigh, asking me if we could go outside and talk. i nod, leading her out.

first of all, i ask her how she has been. nini replies that she is doing well and she couldn't wait to get married to ezra tomorrow and i give her a small smile. she asks the same question and i tell her i'm doing great as well. we were silent for a while, until she releases a breath, saying that she is sorry for what happened to us in the past. i tell her not to worry and that everything that happened was technically my fault. i remind her that everything that happened to us was in the past and that we've moved on. she gives me a tight hug, saying thank you. i was relieved when she talked to me, and hugged me, knowing that everything was finally ok.

i think i love you
i want to love you
please let me love you
i wish to show you how to love

it was the day of the wedding and honestly i was feeling mixed emotions. i was happy for my friend, ezra but i felt pain in my chest. i constantly try to convince myself to move on but somehow i couldn't. i felt pain knowing that nini, the love of my life was getting married to someone and that man wasn't me.

the venue was perfectly decorated. the way nini wanted it to be decorated. i remember her telling me back in our senior year of high school how she wanted her dream wedding to be. she would be wearing an elegant white ballgown with pockets and instead of heels, she would wear white flats. the ceremony will take place in a garden, that would be decorated with some fairy lights and white roses. her bouquet will be full of peonies, her favorite flowers. seeing her achieve her dream wedding just made my heart swell.

i was in ezra's room, helping him get ready for his wedding. he pulls me for a hug saying, "thank you for everything, i'm so glad you're my best man." i reply saying no problem and that i'll be always here for him no matter what. i add to that sentence, "take care of nini, ok?" and he says "definitely. i love her and i can't resist losing her." i give him a small smile.

after, i pass by nini's room and my mouth just watered by the sight of her. she looked absolutely gorgeous in her dream wedding dress. i knock at her door, asking if i could come in and she replies with a yes. i immediately compliment her on how stunning she looks and she blushes. "i can't believe it, i'm getting married." i give her a small smile and say "ezra is one lucky guy." and she chuckles. nini then pulls me for a hug whispering to my ear, "thank you ricky. for everything. you'll always be my first love. thank you for making me happy for the past years." I pull back and give her a smile. as soon as i walk out of the room, i start tearing up by her words.

when nini walked down the aisle, she looked more beautiful that ever. i turn to see ezra tearing up when she entered. as soon as they said their vows, i felt deep pain again. i still hoped that she'll be saying those vows to me. although, when they were pronounced as man and wife and kissed, i realized. even if i'm still in love with her, i still showed her that i love her. by supporting her. i saw, clearly that she was happy with him and that is enough for me to know. she's happy so i'm happy.

note: i'm sorry if it sounded really sad omg lol this is sad girl hours writing :">

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