Chapter 12: Plans Of Action

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The Queen was very attentive as they explained how Lord Viren was manipulating the Royalty in Katolis and was a dangerous individual. Callum wanted to get rid of him without it causing another conflict across the border. Callum asked the Queen's permission to deal with him himself. Callum spoke of a plan to turn Viren into one of those coins he likes so much then toss him into the river of lava between Xadia and the human lands as a fitting tribute. Ibis spoke up,
"This is a very powerful spell and I doubt even I could perform it, but never say never. This Lord Viren could undermine peace in the whole land if he's not stopped!" Rayla just thought it would be easier for her to deal with him personally, but Callum couldn't bear for her to risk her life face to face with such an evil powerful Mage. Rayla could see his point and they would have to be as sly as Viren himself to trick him into trapping himself.
The Queen then decided that would be the best course of action and summoned Ibis, "Could you contact the sky dragon to give Rayla and Callum a ride back to Katolis, the sooner this is dealt with the better." Ibis nodded and motioned for the pair to leave the Queen. Callum and Rayla bowed to the Queen and left her to get to know baby Zym who was loving being back where he belonged.
They followed Ibis into the main hall area outside of the Queens chamber. He turned to the couple,
"Callum, I'll teach you what I know and hopefully you can use it to beat this evil man. The pair of you will be staying here in this room tonight. Further down the hall is the enchanted dinner hall. When you are hungry venture down there and you can eat whatever you desire.
"Callum was excited at this thought and Rayla could tell by Callum trying to hide his fidgeting fingers at the thought of an enchanted feast. Rayla just shook her head at Callum and thanked Ibis. Ibis then added, "Right, if you follow me we'll get the spell casting out of the way, I've got to send some messages out. Especially to the sun-fire elves, as I know they were planning to attack the human lands again. Due to the humans coming into Xadia through the breach."
Callum wasn't liking the sound of a war, but thought that Ibis knows what he's doing so said no more.

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