Chapter 24: Letters

Start from the beginning

So he was feeling pretty good!

Maybe he should consider visiting a mind healer during the summer holiday...

There was only one final person in his brother's group who Aurelion was aware of. Nazareth hadn't received any letter from him, yet.

They were the heir of the Elysium Ducal, and Aurelion's technical rival—at least, according to those not in the know.

The entire noble society was led to believe both the Elysium and Odum Families were in a bitter rivalry, but in all honesty, Aurelion had never once met the Elysium heir in his life. He didn't even know his name!

How Nazareth was able to get into contact with him was already a miracle in itself, seeing as the current heir was usually gone from school due to his health issues.

Rumors of the rivalry stemmed from the fact the Odum Family led the Imperial Faction in the Royal Palace, and the Elysiums were in charge of the Aristocracy Faction.

Both sides kept the power in check since the founding of the Empire, and while Aurelion knew little of the internal politics in the palace, he gathered there was at least some hostility or tension between his family and the Elysiums from the history books.

But then again, history was often written by drunk men and women. Water hadn't been safe to drink until the last century when a magic engineer with too much time on his hands invented the water purification charm...

The more Aurelion deliberated on the problem, the more confused he was. Why would Elysium want ties with his brother?

It was another mystery that made up Nazareth.

A few weeks ago, if someone were to have told Aurelion that his brother, Nazareth Odum, the school's scummy troublemaker, the infamous bastard child of the Odum Household, Whoreson, Trash, Worst-Than-Trash, the guy plotting his demise with over thirty assassination attempts at hand, had suddenly changed into... whatever the hell he was now, Aurelion would kindly tell them to fuck off with a straight face before secretly plotting their deaths behind their backs.

He valued human life, he really did. But Aurelion was an Odum. What more needed to be said?

He was apprehensive the first few weeks. Nazareth was still Nazareth, but there was something about him that changed.

And then there was the kidnapping incident at The Lover Cafe. It was obvious his brother didn't plan it. Tybalt's brother was stupid, but he was also being played by an unknown organization somehow also connected to Nazareth.

Yet... Nazareth hadn't been acting.

Aurelion's mind went back to the incident.

His brother had an oppressive presence around him and thrived on the fear of those men. It was the first time Aurelion ever saw Nazareth get so angry, and the experience was terrifying.

Aurelion thought he knew his brother, but it turned out, he didn't know anything at all.

People started to notice the little changes after his brother cut his hair.

Of course, 'Nazareth was still Nazareth.'

But he was also a little more of something than he was before.

The students at the Academy still kept their distance, but a small percentage of them had grown... daring.

"I... I don't think I mind the danger."

Aurelion had heard a lot of crap in his short life, but really?

Nazareth was the "bad boy" type?

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