37 | Trust

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The Granger raises an eyebrow. »Is that how Slytherin's talk to each other in general?« In the end of the sentence she smiles amused, in hope she can switch the mood somehow, because she has the feeling that something is wrong here.

Blaise looks at her and shrugs. »If I talk too much or if I annoy him, then yes. But I am used to it, he doesn't mean it as he says it.« He laughs kind of sarcastically. »Believe me, I mean everything as I say it when it's about you.« he says and looks at him. Suddenly, he smirks more. »Sure, when it comes to me, you are serious and means everything as you say it, but when it comes to other people, you don't, hm?«

─ ─ ─

Immediately, the dark-skinned guy gets a death gaze of Draco, but at the same time he is shocked that his best friend since early childhood is really doing that to him right now.

»You both seem to love talking in secrets, don't you?« the Gryffindor says laughing before she obviously finishes eating and stands up for putting her plat into the sink. Draco wants to do the same, but before he can, Blaise gives his plat to him. »You're standing right now, so you can take mine as well.«

The Slytherin rolls his eyes, but puts the plats into the sink as well. Silence comes up, in which Hermione smiles and looks at the friends. »Zabini came here for a reason, so I will let you both alone and go into my room. If anyone of you both wants to drink something, Draco knows here it is and you don't need to ask me. I will be in my room then.« she only smiles and already wants to leave the kitchen when Draco's voice sounds.

»But...this Grayson said I am not allowed to be alone with anyone of my friends...He said you need to be around...« The Slytherin is confused. He knows exactly what her point of contact said when he was here and sure, he doesn't like this ass at all, but he has to accept these rules or else he is sent to askaban again.

The Granger crosses her arms in front of her breasts, raises an eyebrow and smirks challenging. »I know what he said, but he isn't here, so I can decide. Besides I told you that I trust you, Draco. And I mean what I say. I trust you and I am sure that Zabini won't do any bad things too if he does I am sure you will have it under control.«

The blonde is obviously surprised and looks at her speechless, but she only keeps smiling slightly. »I...thank you, Granger.« he is able to say in the end but she shrugs. »No need to thank me, Draco.« The Gryffindor says again before she really leaves.

Draco still just stands there and blinks before Blaise' voice sounds on. »Woah, she is pretty cool if you ask me. What a pity that we didn't see that earlier.« He just turns around and makes a »hm« because he was quite in thoughts. Why does Granger break the rules for him? She was always a person who put attention to the rules and be a good student.

And now she breaks rules for him?

»I said she is pretty cool. Man, whatever happened to you since you are here, it is pretty funny.« the black haired one repeats himself and adds a little detail for keeping teasing him. He thinks it's funny that Draco behaves so different than he actually always does.

Draco's gaze changes from confused to annoyed and he rolls his eyes. »Calm down, Zabini. Nothing happened to me. You know exactly that I hated to be such a racist asshole to her and many other people. But my - unfortunately called - father taught me to be one. And as I realized that my behavior was bad and totally wrong, it was too late. I am just trying to show Granger I am what she thinks I am, a good person. Even though I still can't understand she is thinking that after everything I have done to her.«

Blaise only raises an eyebrow and goes to the couch before he sits down. »Of course I know you are not the racist of the last school years. We know each other since our early childhood. I am just wondering, you...changed that fast in your actual behavior and that you are sitting at the table only a short time Snape was buried. Whenever something bad happened, you were always...distanced to other people. I don't believe you are not anymore.«

The blonde sighs and sits down next to him. »You are right. Actually I am still distanced when something like that happened. And to be honest, I only want to go into my room and cry, because I miss Severus so much. But I can't. Granger was getting mad because I was stubborn and said I didn't want to eat. She shouldn't have any problems with me, Blaise. So I just stopped resisting and just sat down at that damn table.«

He looks away and scratches his arm while his mate looks at him quite worried and compassionate. »You know that I am here for you, don't you, Draco? Sure, Granger is there as well, but I bet that you two aren't friends yet, so it would be absolutely great if you talk to me. I don't know him as you did but I am here for listening to you. After all my teasing I am still your friend.«

Draco sighs again. »I know that you are my friend, Blaise. And I am thankful for that, but...I can't talk to anyone about that. I already told Granger that I need to do this on my own. But...why are you actually here?« he suddenly changes the topic and looks at him confused.

The dark-skinned guy smirks slightly again. »Well, I thought you are sad and...I thought about a way to make you feel better, as best friends should do. I have something for you.« The eyebrow of the Malfoy gets higher and he looks only more irritated when Blaise stands up and leaves the living room, walking into the corridor.

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