a normal Sunday morning [1]

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It was Sunday morning, practice day. The team decided they had nothing else to do so we could just have volleyball practice befor Monday, I thought it was a great idea, sense we do seem to need a bit of work on are servers.
And with that being said I decided to get ready early, six a.m actally
I like to wake up this early...well sense it's usally when school starts. I guess my mind is set on that time.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower and put on my clothes(I mean of course...) and I comb my hair.
I felt so excited that I ran out my door, locking it of course, and I just ran all the way to the gym I could feel the cool breeze on my face, now this is why I love mornings! It's always the perfect temperature. I can feel my lungs fill with alot of air as I was running, when I made it to the gym I was out of breath...but boy did that run feel great!

After catching my breath I go to the gym door, which was already opened slightly...and when I went in of course I saw hinata and kageyama, not a suprise actally.
"Goodmorning you two!"
I wave my hand at them, and hinata drops his volley ball to wave at me "goodmorning captain!" The two said at the same time. Then they said Jinx to each other, turned into them bickering back and forth. "Guys...can you not fight over the dumbest things? Just this once?" I chuckled and the both of them just exchanged looks "sorry!!" Hinata said bowing down slightly with his arms to the sides of him.
"It's alright, now what are you two doing here so early?"
I put one of my hands in my pockets waiting for a awnser. Kageyama opens his mouth first.
"Me and hinata were just setting to each other, but I could ask you the same thing as well" kageyama put his hand on one of his hips looking right at me.
"Hey, I usally get up this early every sunday!" I cross my arms, I mean normal people to get up this early right?

{Time pasts to 8:00a.m}

Everyone else started to come in. First tanaka, then nishinoya. And of course, they fist bump eatch other. Tuskishima came in as well, he looked pretty emotionless actally, but I guess that's normal.
The last two yamagachi
●I spelled that right●
And asahi came in, but I didn't manage to see suga yet...I wonder if he's running a bit late?

"Alrighty guys, we will start once suga arrives. So take this time to talk amongst yourselves"
And now, we wait, I lean against a wall watching everyone makeing sure they were behaving, I see nishinoya doing his rolling thunder, typical nishinoya.

{15 minutes later}

I don't seem to see suga yet...has me worried, or concerned actally. He's never late to a practice match.
"Hey guys have you seen suga this morning?" I asked the others. And everyone just shrugs. But then I hear the door slam open. It was none other than suga, he looked really exhausted, and sort of in a cold sweat. Breathing really fast. "I-im hear!! I'm so sorry I'm late please forgive me!!"
Suga said he couldn't seem to really stand.
"Hey hey its alright suga, are you ok though? You seem really tierd!"
I asked honestly concerned.
"Ah...I'm fine daichi! I just woke up, I forgot to set my alarm haha"
Suga laughed nervousely scratching the back of his neck.
and he drinks some of his waterbottle that he had in his hand.
"Well you should go catch your breath for a minute!" I put a thumbs up, and I see suga smile at me.
There, that's what I was wanting to see! I felt so proud right at this momment.


I was runing as fast as I could to the gym, I'm late, shoot I'm so late! All because of a stupid nightmare that I had, I had to look decent! Cause I cried so I waited a few minutes to stop...
I slam open the gym door when I got there.
"I-im here! I'm so sorry I'm late!! Please forgive me!!" I felt like collapsing, I didn't give myself time to even wake up this morning...I forgot to eat, great.
"Hey hey its alright suga, but are you ok though? You seem really tierd!"
Daichi looked at me, eye to eye. His hand was on my shoulder, gently siting there.
"Ah I'm fine daichi! I just woke up! I forgot to set my alarm"
I kind of liedddddd but I didn't want to talking about the stupid nightmare I had, cause when you say you had a nightmare, the person will imedatly ask about it.

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