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❝I will look on the stars and look on thee, and read the pages of thy destiny ❞ - Letitia Elizabeth Landon

There is chaos amongst the supernatural world. It has been 25 years since humans have come to discover the creatures that hid in the shadows. Werewolves, Vampires, and Witches are no longer myth, but reality. Increasingly over the last few years, supernaturals are being kidnapped for human experiment, forcing these creatures back into the shadows.
The werewolf community has remained strong and united, until a Luna is stolen in the dark of the night. The only answer to how she was taken is simple - there is a traitor.


"I can't trust you, princess." He breaths, taking a daring step closer. "But, god, do I want to." 

My heart is beating so heavy I can feel it in my ears. I'm paralyzed by his presence alone. The moonlight escapes through the open window, beautifully illuminating his face. He's carved out of the finest stone, gifted to me from the Goddess herself. Yet, he's just out of my reach.

A ghost of a smile makes its way to my face, "Take a chance. Maybe I'll surprise you."


This is my little author's note and warning. I've been mulling this series idea in my head for a decent amount of time. I've been dying to put pen to paper (figuratively) and bring this to life. After countless moodboards and workshopping, I am finally ready to start producing my first draft of this story. This is a completely original series idea with a unique universe I created from my little head. That being said, no copyrighting or copying, but I would hope that goes with any written work on this site. 

I'm not sure when I will start publishing chapters and what type of schedule this will have. I really want to make sure I am posting my best content - edited, revised, and following my plot line. Originally, I was going to wait until I finished the current novella I am writing, but I don't think I can make it. I'm too eager to share! So, hopefully a chapter will come to this soon. If I've piqued your interest, then get ready...this book will take you for so many twists and turns! 

Much love and thank you for any support on this journey! xx

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