"Well." The boy said grinning widely "you're not wrong, but my last name so happens to be Potter tho!"

Harry's eyes widen and he says "what?!?"

"Yep! James Sirius Potter at your service!" James said bowing.

Severus rolls his eyes "great another."

"Oh you know you love me Sev!" Harry said with a cheeky grin.

"Shut it brat!" Severus muttered.

"Can we continue?" The black haired boy said with a hint of annoyance.

"Oh shut it hormones!" James said smiling. He looks at the past and says "as you already know I am James Sirius Potter, I was born July 30th, 1994! I am 16 and a honary Gryffindor like any Potter and Weasley!"

"Wait... Your father is obiviously Harry and he's already dating Ginny and you are part Weasley... Your Ginny and Harry's son!" Sirius observed eyes wide.

"Yes I am!"

"But... July 30th, 1994 would've meant Harry was just about to turn 14 and Ginny was about to turn 13!" Molly said eyes wide.

Harry and Ginny pale drastically. James grins "aaaaaa you got it right! My parents were bloody young when me and my siblings were born!"

Ron jumps on Harry and punches him in the jaw "you had sex with my baby sister!"

Harry immeaditly says when the fist hit his jaw "mother... Flipping...duck!" He tries not to cuss "Ron, I swear we haven't! I don't know why we do, but I have no intentions on having sex any time soon!"

The brothers all glare at Harry and try to jump him, before anyone can do anything Ginny had hexed them all with the bay bogey hex.

"Shame on you Percival, Fredrick, George, and Ronald!" She said hands on her hips and glaring at them harshly. "Harry and I are still virgins and I have no idea why we do what we do, but it has not happened yet! Also you've known Harry for many years and look at him like he's a little brother and to hurt him over something that hasn't happened yet is plain terrible!"

All four brothers bow their heads in shames. "Sorry." They mumbled.

"Don't appologize to me, appologize to Harry. Now!"

They all look at Harry and say "sorry Harry."

"Its ok, I understand." Harry said.

James smirks and looks at the black haired boy saying "dad wasn't lying when he said mom was able to control her brothers!"

"No apprantley not!" The black haired boy said perplexed. "I guess it's my turn now!"

"What's your name because you look so much like Harry that it's scary!" Remus said.

"Don't judge my name, I hate it and my parents had no choice but to name me this."

"How bad could your name be?" The twins said. "Its not Albus is it because that's bad."

[A/n: Sorry to all the Dumbledore lovers]

The boy winces "it's that bad... My name is Albus Severus Potter."

Everyone looks appalled. "What the bloody hell was going through Harry and Ginny's mind when you were born?" Ron asked.

"I'm pretty sure what was going through their brain was don't kill my son." Albus said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Harry and Ginny asked worried.

"You'll see. But as you know I'm Albus Severus Potter, but I prefer to be called Al. I am a Slytherin like my god father Severus Snape!"

Severus grins to himself.

"Well I was born on July 31st, 1994. So I'm 16."

"So are you two twins? If so why are y'all a day apart?" Fred asked.

Al smiles some "we are not twins, but we might as well be. It'll be explained in no time! My biological parents is Harry Potter and blecccc Albus Dumbledore."

"What the fuck!" Harry nearly screamed falling out of his chair.

No one corrected his language.

Everyone was revolted. Ginny says "ewwwwww why?"

Al smiles sadly "You'll see... I'm nothing like my biological father... I'm more like dad and my uncle Aberforth so don't worry y'all are good... I was raised by dad and Ginny... She's my mom in all but blood."

"Don't judge him over his father because family or not I'll beat your ass he's still my little brother!" James said.

"Here here!" Teddy and the blonde said.

"Dumbledore wanted a powerful heir so my father came into play... Where I will admit I'm pretty powerful, but I do not abuse it unlike Dumbledore and Voldemort." Al said.

Everyone nods in understanding. Ron looks at the blonde boy and says "and who are you? You look very familiar."

The boy smirks.

Severus immeaditly says "Draco is your father."

"Correct!" The boy said with a small smile. "If you think Al's parentage is shocking wait till you hear who my father is!"

Teddy, James, and Al laugh some and say in sync "this should be good!"

"It can't be worse than Al's parentage!" Sirius said thoughtfully.

"Oh really... I say it's pretty damn bad. My name is Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy and I was born on August 9th, 1994. My parents are Draco Malfoy and Luna Lovegood... But my biological parents are Draco Malfoy and Tom Riddle. Don't worry I'm nothing like my father like Al's nothing like his."

End of chapter.

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