I can't tell you everything, I am under strict orders not to spread much information around, but something happened. I figured you should know because you could get suspicious.

Annie was not who we thought she was.

She's a murderer and a traitor, Violet. She lied to us for years and pretended as if she was normal, pretending as if she wanted to fight for humanity. Armin discovered it, and the Survey Corps and Military Police combined forces to bring her to justice.

I will tell you this one thing, mainly because by the time you receive this letter, you probably will have learned of what occurred in the Stohess District. She was a titan shifter, like Eren, except she used her powers against humanity and tried to kill us all. Annie was the reason why we lost so many during the expedition, my sister included.

I will never forgive her for what she's done. Even if some part of me exists to curiously ask her why she did what she did, I believe today is the last day I will see Annie ever again.

I know you will have many questions, and I am terribly sorry that I cannot answer most of them, but remember, I am always a letter away.

Stay safe,

Celena Phoebe.

The door to the room opened just as she finished folding the letter and put it in an envelope. Levi and Celena peered up from the table to see Sanes, the ginger's squad leader, stride in.

"Levi, Celena," He nodded at them, his face neutral but his eyes gleaming with joy at the sight of the ginger awake and moving. "Sorry to interrupt. Levi, you are requested by Erwin for debriefing."

"I see." Their Captain sighed, standing up and walking towards him with a minuscule limp in his step. Celena could tell by the way he quietly winced that his ankle was far from healed. "How long will this shit take?"

"Around half an hour, it depends on how many you piss off," Sanes joked. "I'll wait outside." He added, noticing how Levi glanced back to Celena.

Once the room had only the two of them in it again, the raven spoke in a hushed voice, "I expected them to call you instead, I am known for putting them in their place."

Due to them both being marked, they allowed just one to testify as a witness in supporting Eren, which bothered the nobles already. Erwin knew not to push his luck in getting a debrief report from the two of them as it would cause a great amount of unrest.

Celena's lips curved up into a small smile. "You're Humanity's S - Strongest Soldier..."

"Tch, stupid nickname..." He looked to the side.

She stood from her seat, approaching him to gain his attention once more. "I get too nervous anyway," Celena shrugged, her voice sounding feeble and delicate.

Levi's gaze softened, he only lets his walls down in front of a selected few, and he raised his hand to ruffle her shiny hair. "I'll see you after."

Just as he was about to step out of the room, Celena surged forward and kissed his cheek. The raven's face enhanced into a vivid red, as strong as hers was mere moments before, and Levi glared at her.

"Oi, not out here, you brat!"

He preferred to keep his relationship private. Even if they were alone in the room, the chances of someone interrupting made him uncomfortable and irked him. He wasn't ashamed of his relationship, anyone could know -- except for Hanji.

Celena hid her smile behind her hands, giving him another casual shrug as she then waved goodbye.

"Hey," There was a knowing glint in Sanes' eyes when he greeted his subordinate. They watched Levi turn a corner and disappear before continuing the conversation. "I'm glad you're doing better, Little Ral."

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