Chapter 20: Nothing more

Start from the beginning

Ryder: I am not blowing you off for Aria, Alison.

Alison: Are you sure because ever since you two started hanging out you stopped coming around. Got hooked, did you?

Ryder: You know me better than that. We weren't hanging out, I don't know how many times I have to tell you we were working on a project together.

Alison: Then come over...

Ryder: Okay.

Alison: See you soon baby ;)

        It looks like I was taking a little detour tonight. I wasn't looking forward to this, but it seems that Alison is threatened by Aria, which isn't like her but I can't give Alison any more ammo. To use against Aria. I am getting really tired of seeing her walk out of Gym hurt and I can't intervene.

       Ever since I stopped really giving into Alison she's made it 10x worse for Aria and I don't know how far Alison is willing to go. I feel completely useless when it comes to this situation. The only way I can seem to help is by giving in to Alison's demands.

                                                           Aria's P.O.V

        I got up early this morning because Ryder didn't get me a specific time. So I got up and got dressed, grabbed some food and now I am waiting for him to show. It's 12:30 so I decide to walk around the house and pick up a little for my mom. 

     I made my way through the house and decided to tackle my brother's room since he isn't home. I knew my brother was a big but... I didn't expect his room to be this bad. How does he find anything? I tripped over something and looked down at a bowl that looks like it could have been here since last year. What is wrong with you, Andrew? Clean your room.

        I hear the doorbell and race down the stairs. Andrew is just going to have to tell deal with that on his own because I could have sworn I saw something move. As I reach the door, I fix my hair and then open the door. 

       "Hey, Ryder..." My voice trailed off as I looked at a shocked Emma. "Someone looks excited" The shocked look melts into a smirk. "You don't have to look so disappointed though? I know I'm not lover boy" She feigned being hurt, and I slapped her.

        "Emma shut it! I do NOT like Ryder. How many times do I have to tell you that?" She skipped into the house. "Until you realize that you are starting to like Ryder. I will be holding my breath!" I don't think that's a good idea... 

       "Well, keep holding it because I don't know anything about him to even like him!" Which is true because other than spending a few hours with him at a time. I knew nothing about his life. What he did for fun, his favorite things. The only thing I have learned is that he's kind of a nice person.

        Other than that, I only know about the rumored version Ryder. How much different was the real Ryder from that other version? I was really curious about that.  "Daydreaming about Ryder, are we?" I was going to smack her again, but I looked behind her because we were still standing at the door. 

        "Who's daydreaming about me?" Yeah, I could kill Emma right now. "Is your ego that big that you think everyone is talking about you?" It was the first thing that came into my head.

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