Chapter 11 ~ One Day at a Time

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Luke's Pov

I woke up the next morning and Ash was still sleeping. I carefully got out of bed and went into the front lounge. Laura said, "Good morning Luke. How's Ash doing?"

"Thankfully he's still sleeping. He was so exhausted when we got back." "At least he's finally got some rest. I honestly wasn't sure he was gonna make it through the meet-and-greet last night. I saw you keeping your eye on him."

"I was just worried he was gonna fall out. He barely made it to the dressing room before he was throwing up." "Maybe you should take him to the doctor. He's been throwing up a lot."

"Do you think he's that bad off?" "I don't know. But I feel like he's throwing up more than he's consuming."

"Maybe I should take him to the doctor then." "I mean, I really don't know much about pregnancy, but I don't want there to be something wrong and us not know it."

"I'm gonna call Paul and see if we can get to the doctor today." She nodded and I called Paul. He said that once we stopped, we could go to the doctor. It's even better since we don't have a show tonight. I went back in the room and Ash was awake.

"Hey baby. How are you feeling?" "I don't know. Yesterday really took a lot out of me. I feel like I threw up so much."

"At least we don't have a show tonight. Today is just a travel day." "Thank god."

"I'm gonna go get you some water and some food. And then I'll get your pills, alright?" He nodded and went and got everything I needed. I gave him his pills and the water and he took them. He ate the food I brought him and said, "Can we just cuddle today?"

"Sure baby. But once we're stopped for the day, Paul is going to take us to the doctor so we can make sure everything is okay with you." "Do we have to?"

"Yes. I'm really worried about you and so is everyone else. Just give us some peace of mind." "Okay. I guess we can go."

I kissed the top of his head and said, "Thank you baby." I pulled him into my arms and he laid his head on my chest. We watched tv for most of the day and everything was honestly pretty relaxed. At around 4 we had finally gotten to our destination, so Paul came and got me and Ash and took us to the doctor. Once we got there we signed in and soon the doctor called us back. The nurse took the normal measurements and told us the doctor would be in soon.

After a few minutes the doctor finally came in and said, "Hello Mr. Irwin. I am Dr. Smith. It says here that you have been experiencing a lot of nausea and vomiting along with sweating. And I see you are also about 13 weeks pregnant. Congratulations on that." Ash said, "So what's wrong with me? Is the baby okay?"

She said, "We're going to check on the baby in just a second. Now I know that you are in the band 5 Seconds of Summer, and you are on tour right now, correct?" He nodded.

She said, "Well. I think the stress is adding to the nausea and vomiting. I'm going to up your dose for your anti-nausea pill and you need to remember to keep yourself hydrated and fed. I'm going to send you home with a few banana bags, as I understand you do always have medics with you. So if you start to get dehydrated, you need to get someone to get you this banana bag as soon as you can. And if you start to feel dizzy or nauseous, you need to let someone know. I know that you want to do your whole show and whatever else it is that you do, but with that baby in your belly, you have more important things to worry about." He nodded and she had him lay down.

She put the little wand on his belly and started looking for the baby. As soon as she found it, she turned up the volume on the heartbeat and said, "And there's your baby. Healthy as can be. Super strong heartbeat, growth seems to be on track. I would say everything is going great Mr. Irwin." I said, "Oh thank god."

"Everything seems to check out. I will be back with your banana bags, which I'm assuming will go into the hands of your manager, and I will bring the anti-nausea pills and your forms and then you will be all set." He said, "Thank you."

She smiled and left. Paul said, "Do you guys feel better now? The baby is perfectly healthy. I need you two to stop stressing." We both nodded and soon the doctor came back. She gave us everything and we headed back to the bus. Paul went back on his bus and we went back on ours. Mikey said, "I saw Paul with banana bags. What's going on?"

I said, "Nothing's going on Michael. We just wanted to get him checked out since he was throwing up so much. Everything's fine. We just have to make sure he takes it easy and gets enough food and water. And if he says he needs the banana bag, we run and get the medic and Paul." Everyone nodded.

Ash said, "Lukey can I go lay down?" "Yeah Ash. Go ahead. Call me if you need me."

He nodded and went in our room. I sat with everyone else and Cal said, "So, how was he at the doctor?"

"Well. You know Ash, he hates the doctor. But he did his best to stay calm during the appointment. And we got to see the baby and hear their heartbeat again." Crys said, "That's a big moment for you guys Luke."

"I know. I got to hear my baby's heartbeat in person. It was so surreal." "Now you're really feeling like a dad, aren't you?"

"I mean, I already felt like a dad. But this, this made it real." Mikey said, "And how much longer until you get to meet this baby?"

"27 weeks." "Wow. 27 weeks until there's a baby in the 5sos fam."

"Wow. In 27 weeks, I'll officially be a dad." Crys said, "Ooh! I can't wait until we find out the gender! I hope it's a girl so we can help you guys dress her up."

"It's only a few more weeks. I think we find out at 16 weeks." "Ooooh! Can we do a gender reveal?"

"Crys. The fans don't even know Ash is pregnant. I'm not quite sure how we could do a gender reveal." "Easy! We do something small. We should be done with tour around then, well maybe a week or two after, but still. We could do something with the families."

"I don't know Crys. I'm not sure if Ash will be comfortable with it." "We can figure something out when the time gets closer. It's really up to you guys. But Michael, just so you know, we are doing gender reveals for each of our children, so you better prepare yourself."

Mikey said, "I wouldn't think anything less baby." I heard Ash calling my name so I went back to our room and said, "What's wrong baby?"

"My tummy hurts." "What kind of hurt?"

"I don't know. It just feels weird." I sat on the bed next to him and put my hand on his belly. "Does it hurt when I touch it?"

He shook his head. "Don't stress baby. We know that the baby is perfectly fine. Nothing is going to change in an hour's time."

"But. It feels weird." "Maybe it's just the baby growing. I know that your belly hasn't grown much, but maybe it's starting to grow."

"I'm gonna get fat?" "No baby. You aren't gonna get fat. The baby is just going to grow, and for that to happen, your stomach needs to grow."

"Are you still gonna love me when I get fat?" "First of all, you aren't getting fat, your body is just making room for the baby. And second of all, I will love you no matter what."

"Promise?" "I promise baby."

"Will you lay here and cuddle with me?" "Sure baby."

I laid next to him and he snuggled into me. After a few minutes I heard his soft snores. I ran my fingers through his hair and scrolled through my phone. An hour or two later Cal came in and said, "We're gonna go get some dinner. You guys wanna come?"

"Yeah. Give us like five minutes. I just need to get him up." He nodded and walked out of the room.

I shook Ash a little bit and said, "Baby. Wake up." "Why?"

"We're gonna go get some dinner. C'mon you need to eat something." "Fine."

He sat up a little bit and said, "Where are we going?" "I don't know."

We both put our shoes on and then we went out to the lounge. Once everyone was ready, we got off the bus and went into the diner we stopped at. After we ate, we paid and got back on the bus. We spent most of the night hanging out with everyone else. At around 11 we went back in our room and laid there talking until we fell asleep.

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