His Lawyer | Chapter 4. (edited)

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" None " Marco said dapping Key up " Wussup Mamas " Key said wrapping his arms around Mazi waist giving her a hug

" None, chillin with my baby brother— don't fuck his shit up " Mazi said mugging him

" Shut up " Key glared pulling away " That's all you Key? " Woo asked being petty

" Some like that... Maz you tryin' get me some to eat ? "

" Yeah " Key was finna reach in his pocket but Mazi stopped him " Nigga I'm not broke I get it " That was joy to Key ears— before Key could stop her Mazi already walked out

" What's ya' name li' man ? " Key questioned starting on Marco hair

" Marco— you know my sister doesn't have a boyfriend "

" Oh she don't ? " Key question smirking

" Nigga already playing step daddy " Fat laughed Key flipped Fat off " Nigga you pose to be serving plates "

Key sold drugs in his shop by putting them in takeout boxes— can't say thats not a smart idea

" That ain't my job that's Woo job "

" Can I get plate ? " Marco questioned " Nah lil man " Key said laughing along with Woo and Fat

" Nah wussup with you and ole girl ? " Woo questioned

" None too serious I'm just getting to know her she coo people's " Key said focusing on Marco hairline making sure not to fuck it up like Woo be doing to people

" Excuse me sir, he messed this up " Marco said getting the man attention in front of him pointing to his hairline I stopped cutting Marco hair looking up

" Key I be trying to tell you bout his ass " Fat said snatching the clippers from Woo

" Aye fatass gimme my damn clippers " Woo said snatching it back

Key shook his head as he watched Woo pull out the ruler to his hairline

" This nigga dumb as fuck " Key mumbled to himself he got finished with Marco haircut gently applying alcohol

Mazi walked in Barbershop with an American Deli bag walking towards Key " Aww Marco you look cute " Mazi smiled " I know " Marco said in a cocky tone

" We can go in the back " Key said taking off the cape from around Marco

" You said no breaks Key " Fat said looking disappointed
" Nigga I pay you— you don't pay me "

Fat scoffed continuing cutting his client Hair— Key let Marco sit in the chair while Mazi and Key walked in the back as Key shut the door after him

" Thank you mama " Key said kissing Mazi cheek " Mhmm "

" Don't do that shit " Key glared " You have a nice shop " Mazi said taking some Key fries— Key smacked them out of Mazi hand

" Don't do that— you could've brought yo' self some food "

" Nigga it was my money "

" I don't give a fuck " Mazi watched Key as he ate his food

" You giving me rapist vibes lil girl  " Key said throwing his plate away walking back over to Mazi rest his hand on her thigh

" I'ma pick you up later tonight "

" You asking or telling me ? " Mazi asked in a smartly matter

" Don't get smacked... gimme a kiss "

" Uhn Uhn you just got finished eating them wings yo breath stank " Mazi mugged standing up

" You playing get out my shop " Key scoffed— Mazi laughed walking out Marco jumped from chair following after Mazi

" Bae where you going ? " Carter questioned as she watched Key placed on his watch " Out with Dolph " Knowing he was finna see Mazi

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" Bae where you going ? " Carter questioned as she watched Key placed on his watch " Out with Dolph " Knowing he was finna see Mazi

" You don't even be around me anymore Key "

" I know Carter I'ma make it up you know I always will "

" But I want you to make it up now " Carter spoke as she walked behind Key sticking her hands down his pants stroking on him

Wasting no time Key placed Carter on the bed hiking up Carter dress, she wasn't wearing panties anyways it was easy access for Key—  Key waste no time thrusting in and out of Carter her moans filled up the whole Apartment

Key dig deep in Carter " Fuck " Carter moan out as she dig her nails in Key shoulders— They both were going at going at for 15 minutes until Key released on her stomach .

Carter was going try giving him head again but she was scared because she scared— of being rejected again " Key ? "

" Wussup ? "

" Do you still love me... I'm sorry if I be giving a hard time and I don't be meaning it " Carter questioned laying her head on his chest

Carter looked up and saw Key asleep she smacked her lips walking in the bathroom taking a shower— Key opened his eyes he didn't fill like hearing Carter complaints

His Lawyer | KG NOT EDITED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora