"It's none of my business, but is it true?" Jaebeom stumbled over his own words, looking for appropriate ones that would not offend Mark in any way. His eyes darted everywhere but boy, until latter's stricken him with cautious glare.

"You're right. It's none of your business now, is it?" Mark said a bit irritated. His voice like a venom, as if other male did him wrong, but instead nodding his head and moving aside to brush past Mark. The boy regretted the arogancy in his voice, mustering up the strenght to whisper, "It is."

It was light, and barely hearable, but when the echoes of Jaebeom's footsteps stopped, the boy knew latter had heard him. Not waiting for any kind of response or anknowledgement, he started walking to the opening ceremony. He held some random notebooks in his embrace when he walked through huge double door, mixing among the students and looking around to anyone familiar.

"Mark! Over here!" The cheery voice called out with such enthusiasm, trying to over-power the loudness of the chatter around. The male yelped when couple of students brushed past him and against his shoulder before he lifted his head towards the resource of the voice. He smiled widely, fighting his way through the crowd towards the brown haired male, his classmate.

"Thanks for saving a seat for me, Youngjae." Mark thanked, lowering the books onto his lap and smiling softly. Looking around to inspect the surroundings.

"No problem, I'd rather have company." He admitted also looking around, examining people and scenography in the huge room and leaning back.

"Honestly I was looking for familiar face as well." The boy admitted, his head cocking towards Youngjae as he rested back.

"Where's Jackson?" Youngjae suddenly asked.

"He's giving an opening speech. He's probably having couple of anxiety attacks, inner panic and self esteem talk by now." Mark laughed at the thought, failing to hide the fact that his heart warmed up a little.

"You are mean hyung!" Youngjae said, hitting his hyung for an upper arm and smiling widely.

"Mark, Mark, Mark..." Mark heard calling from the crowd, snapping his head cluelessly towards the students making their way to the seat or trying to catch one but not being able to determine the source of the voice. Not untill Jackson appeared in front of him, dead pale, sweating and as Mark guessed panicking.

The frown found its way in between Mark's brows who genuinely had no clue what was Jackson doing here when the ceremony is about to start. Jackson leaned over the seat in front of boy, hands gripping the leaner.

"What is it GaGa?" Mark questioned, his posture going a bit forward to be closer to Jackson who panted slightly.

"Do you perhaps have mint?" He asked out of blue, the boy cocking his eyebrows up in utter surprise, "My breath is awful."

"I do, but you know that no one is going to kiss you on the stage?" Mark mocked, offering Jackson a mint candy that latter quickly put into his mouth, chuckling, "But you are..."

Before boy was able to comprehend what Jackson just said, his lips had been already attached to slightly chapped. The younger nibbled on his bottom lip after a small waltz tasting like mint. Male pulled back proud and with foxy smirk while Mark was sure he wanted to punch him square in the face.

"What the fuck was that?" Mark said deadpanned, eyeing Jackson who only let out his famous hyena laugh.

"You loved it."

"No, Jackson. You know I did not." The boy spat back his face serious.

"Are you two together?" Youngjae asked a bit shocked, and Mark recognized that to be the same dead pale expression Jaebeom wore before. He narrowed his eyes at Youngjae that was observing them, his eyes wide open and truly amazed.

The Melody Of The Heart [Markjin] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now