It was not helpful. I was still the one at fault here. He had not accepted some freaking, evil objects from her. I did. Now, when I had an army to lead, a battle to win and a brother to bring back! The army had faith in me. My parents were counting on me to bring Edmund back. Edmund, my little brother. His trust had made me ride on into the Battle of Beruna. Now also he was waiting for me to come and bring him back home. And I? I went ahead and ruined it all for a girl I fancied.

Now as I stood, I could not find one thing worth liking in Sarah. I was sure if she appeared in front of me right now, I would choke her to death.

“There must be some way to break that spell.” Caspian’s voice brought me back to the present. “I mean, King Edmund broke White Witch’s wand and after that she fought with two swords and the wand was left behind.”

“Yes, King Edmund did break all the spells associated with the wand when he broke it. Its powers, including the one in question were destroyed but that was a different case.” Coriakin replied slowly. “The wand had cast the spell upon itself. So, that is why the spell broke. In other cases, the objects, even after destruction will repair them and follow on.”

What to ask? What to say? I had no answer. So, I placed the bag on the table and said, “Tell me something good and helpful.”

Coriakin began examining the contents of the bag. I was feeling hopeless when he smiled.

“There is something good to tell after all.”

My eyes shot up to him.

“What?” I asked breathlessly. Something good is better than nothing is at all.

“This is not dark magic.”

I frowned again. Coriakin was contradicting himself. Besides, Jett had said she smelt dark magic.

“Not dark magic?” Caspian questions, probably thinking the same thing. “But you just said...”

“What I said was that the same spell as Jadis’ wand had been used here. I never said that this spell was a part of dark magic.” Coriakin said, frowning at the box before he managed to open it.

“But Jett said she smelt dark magic?” I voiced my thoughts.

“Jadis used many a forms of Dark Magic but not all her magic was evil.” Coriakin said as if speaking to students in a class. I guess to some extent, we were novice in front of him. “The Narnians have automatically associated all the magic she used with the Dark Magic but there were times Jadis used simple magic from her homeland Charn.”

“You mean, this is something people of Charn use?” Caspian was the one to ask the question. Lucky, he did it. I was completely baffled with what he was saying.

“Yes. In fact, in the House of Charn, even children used this so that their pencils or parchments or books did not get lost. It is a very common magic there and not all dangerous or evil.” Coriakin explained. “Your Majesty, not all magic are bad. Some spells were forbidden to be used. They made up the Dark Magic or evil sorcery. Other than that, magic is simply a talent of those who were given the authority over it.”

To be quite honest, he had changed my perspective on magic a little. Earlier I had believed all magic to be bad. Now, I could see his perspective a little. Still, it did not ease my main concern.

“So these things...” I raised my eyebrows.

Coriakin smiled a brilliant smile. “Are quite safe to take with you.”

I heaved a sigh of relief. Then another question came to my mind. “Sarah said that one of these would help the warriors face their challenges or something like that. What was she talking about?”

Coriakin opened the small red pouch and Caspian and I both leaned forward to get a look. It was a small and plain glass or crystal ball. Nothing else.

Holding it up, Coriakin smiled. “This, your majesty, is a gift from someone who is concerned about you all. It is for you to figure out its use and make the most of it. I will only say this, this is much more valuable that it looks and has the power to change the entire outcome of the battle.”


I was grateful when we finally set out for our journey. Jett, after everything was explained to her, agreed to carry the objects. Caspian rode beside me with Lucy on my other side. Tirian was beside her too and I was less than happy about that but I swallowed my mild anger and let him be. I knew that half the army would willing have him for breakfast if he crossed his limit. We knew he would never do that but well, neither I nor other paid much attention to that fact as Oreius, I and almost every person Lucy had ever met occasionally glared daggers at him.

It was heart-warming actually to see how much the people loved and cared about Lucy.

Knowing she would be safe for now, I turned towards Oreius, Caspian and Gale and discussed and reviewed our battle strategy.

The army was moving. The battle was less than two days away. We would cross the Garden and move past into the unknown in a few hours, the rate we were going.

I knew everything was absolutely as it should be. Except for one single fact.

Aslan had not been seen since the day I met him in the Lion’s Chapel.


Sorry for the delay in uploading this chapter. First, there was some sort of blackout on the network that I used and then I was grounded. Also, this chapter has not been edited, so, if you guys could point out the mistakes, I would really appreciate. :) 

Now, on to some shameless self-promotion. I wrote a poem about child labor in my country. It would be really nice of you if you guys could drop by there and leave some feedback as that is my first real attempt at poetry. 

Thank you and I hope you guys enjoy my works. 

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