"Take it easy," Dean said.

"No, no,no...not easy," I slurred stubbornly, "you have secrets and worries and sad little songs about me and I want to understand!"

Cas stood from his stool, because I was crying now. Guilty. Sorry. Forgot his walls. God, no, don't cry...
"I...I dont know what to tell you, baby..." he admitted sadly. Called me baby. Never used that before. Just fell out of the sad places of love.

"The truth," Dean suggested, "as dumb as you can make it."

"What truth!? So lost...I don't belong...pieces missing.."

My angel wrapped me up tight in himself. "Shh...ok. I'm sorry...I'll tell you."

Dean excused himself and went elsewhere.
But it wasn't needed. Cas ushered me outside to the side street with him. It was dark. I wouldn't let him go.

"Hazel, " he began, hesitant and afraid. He tucked my hair behind my ear, lingering hand resting on my neck, "Do you...remember anything, before the bunker?"

I focused hard. Fuzzy thoughts, like the frayed ends of cut fabric, the other side empty. "Henry...Henry. Winchester...The Old Evil...we ran...Angry Bird."
He shuddered. He didn't do that often. Waiting for more.
"I dont...where is it? Where is the peice!?"

"Listen," he said, trying to be strong. His heart was aching. Burdens dragging it down like anchors. "I She...she took you away. You were gone, for a very long time. In Hell."

"But...No...That doesn't-"

"I know, it doesn't make sense."
So sad.  Sometimes birds could cry.
"Hazel when we found you, you weren't ok...You were dying, afraid...and...not in your right mind. "

"Right mind? Minds are right and wrong..."

"No you were broken...Worse than ever. Your power was beyond out of control. You ran away...and you hurt people."

"No..." I backed away till I hit the wall, "how are you lying? You can't..."

"Because I'm not," He closed the distance, "Not anymore. I didn't want to tell you any of this.. But Hazel...you're still not right. Do you understand?"

I shook my head. He didn't make sense anymore. "How do you know? I'm...I'm not..." Difficult thoughts pressing on the glass. Can't get through.

"I know it's hard to understand, but the reason you feel...lost, is because I took away Hell. I took away the bad songs. Now only I remember. "

Crying again. Still don't understand. Distant voices saying its true. My voice saying its normal. Everything a mess. Pages torn and scattered through all the rooms. "You...you're saying you made me...wrong mind?"

"No..." he whispered, hooking an arm around my neck and waist and bringing me in, "I didn't. I made you forget the fear, sweetheart...you were so scared...I did it because I love you. I couldn't leave you like that. You understand? "

"Yes..." I cried, rubbing wet eyes on his tie, "I'm crazy...I'm not Hazel...broken peices. They don't fit anymore..."

"You're wrong," he disagreed more lightly.

I looked up. Finding shaking smiles and loving eyes. "What?"

"You're wrong. You're not crazy.. I think...I think you just, see everything so clearly that...its too much."

"Right mind fell into wrong places..."

"But it's still you. The same loving, compassionate, stubborn, rebellious pain in the ass that I fell in love with."

Seer 2: BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now