Chapter 29

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I waited for my release as the guards pushed me in some private room that holds another man who's sitting just a few chairs away from mine. I wanted to ask him how long he's been in here for but i didn't want to piss him off or anything. I don't know how long i've been in here but all i know is that i'm being picked up and that i don't have to be in here with these fucking rapist anymore. Smiling down at my lap, i real life smile too. I wanted to cry again but this time tears of joy of course. I have never been this happy in months and now that i'm going to be free and let out without someone bringing me down like they have been in here. I coughed a few times, trying to get rid of this cold i had caught a few days ago.

''I'm surprised their letting you go, after everything you had done out there in the real world. I would have kept your arse behind bars, knowing that your just an evil man.'' I looked over at the older man who had his arm's crossed and his eyes boring into mine. Shaking my head, i put one hand up as he opened his mouth to speak again. 

''Why don't you mind your own damn business and sit there like the good man you think you are, i wouldn't be talking either cause your in the same place as me. So back the fuck off and stop assuming shit that you don't know that whole story to. Every man has a story behind the things he does, so don't talk to me like you know me. Thank you very much.'' Giving him a fake sarcastic smile and flipping him the bird. He just shook his head and faced the floor again. 

''I'm not saying that you don't have a story behind the fucked up shit you have done, i'm saying that these guards are stupid enough to even let someone bail you out when they know your in the most deadliest mafia and of course you must have grown up to kill and watch people suffer. So why let someone out that will just continue the act again? I'm sorry for offending you but it's true and i'm in here for killing a man who molested my daughter but that was 22 years ago.'' Putting my head down, i would have done the same thing but here i am. I kill people for pleasure, i kill people because it's fun to watch them cry and watch their blood seep through the cracks of the sidewalks. ''I'm not saying that your not going to change but you will always be this evil man inside no matter what. I have seen what you been through in here and let me just say.....That wasn't enough.'' 

''Whatever man, just stop fucking talking to me and go back to your boring life. Your not even going to live that long so i don't know why their letting you out when you could just live the rest of your pathetic life in here.'' Huffing, someone had finally stepped inside the heated room while looking at me then at the old hag who kept mumbling something under his stupid breath. Rolling my eyes, i crossed my arms while waiting for something else to happen, looking up at the taller man who had sunglasses on and slicked back hair which looked really greasy for some reason. I gulped when he faced me, i couldn't even see his eyes though. Biting my lip, i looked down at my lap while trying to even out my breathing just in case he wanted me to look nor sound weak in front of him. 

''Harry Styles? Pleasure to finally see you again, it's been years since we last talked.'' I could feel my heart stop as i felt dizzy all of a sudden....Is that really who i think it is? I didn't dare look up as i felt so small under this man's stare, i knew he was staring since i could literally feel the burns glaring right through my forehead. ''Harry, don't be scared love. I'm here to bail you out and i'm going to make sure your safe under my wings. I'm here to show you that i still car even though the past still haunts me, i'm here now.'' Feeling two little fingers under my chin, i sniffed a few times only to push back the tears that had made their way in front of my sore eyes. ''Don't cry baby, i'm here to help you now and that's what your going to thank me for...later on today. Now let's go, i don't want you sticking around this place any longer.'' I stood up while feeling his hand travel down to my lower back just to guide me to where i needed to go. ''Your going to be staying with me for a few months or so, until i figure everything out. Hopefully my dad wasn't to rude to you as well.'' 

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