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My breath came so in and out so fast I was beginning to become lightheaded. In my hand I was clutching a small pill bottle, the precious medicine that would save Sero, Kaminari had all but chucked at me, screaming at me to run. I darted through the halls, rushing past bunk rooms with curious faces peering out, attempting to catch a glimpse of the crazy boy running from the wardens.

Every once in a while, I'll round a corner and find a guard sprinting towards me, wielding a "neutralizer", a long black rod that almost had the appearance of a whip and discharged electricity. My hardened flesh would not save me from a strike from one of those.

I was running out of stamina and starting to race my way towards Sero's bunk room. There was enough of a gap between me and the closest warden that when I rounded the final corner, I was able to immediately turn and slip inside the bunk room unnoticed by anyone outside.

My visiting, unlike the ones before, this time was not welcome. I received several glares and shouts urging me to leave. My being discovered in here by a warden would have them all punished.

A boy stepped in front of me, blocking my path to the back of the room where Sero lay. He was one of the special kids who wore a different color from everyone else. His black t-shirt and baggy pants matched the uniforms of the guard wardens. When he spoke, his voice was low and monotone.

"You need to leave. You don't belong here and you're putting us all in danger." His eyes bore deep into mine, unsettling me with their intensity. He looked as though he hadn't slept or bathed in weeks. Dark circles ringed the skin beneath his eyes, and his lavender colored hair was caked in grease and filth causing it to sick out in every direction. Kaminari had never mentioned anything to me about this boy, and I had a sinking feeling that this boy was associated with the wardens in some way due to his clothes.

I whipped my head around trying to find someway to get through. My eyes found the quiet, boulder-looking boy from before who had given food to Sero. I quickly uncapped the pill bottle and poured out eight capsules; enough for four doses. I ran and snatched his hand, shoving the medicine into his palm.

"Please," I begged, "four per day; two with breakfast and two before bed. I'll keep the bottle so you don't have to worry about getting caught." His eyes were wide, and he weakly attempted to pull his hand away. I held firm, internally pleading for him to agree, and he finally did with a small nod. I felt a hand on my shoulder jerk me backwards as the purple haired boy spoke again.

"Hey! Did you hear me?" I could tell he was growing angry, and I raised my hands in surrender, preparing to leave.

"I'm sorry, I'll-" my voice was cut off as fog filled my mind. The edges of my vision blurred and my body felt numb. When he spoke again, the boy's voice seemed far away, yet his mouth was pressed right against my ear.

"Leave this room, and run as fast as you can to the left. Make two rights, grab Kaminari, go left, then right once more. There will be metal doors the the end of this hallway. The code to open them is seven-one-six-two-six. Go through the doors and hit the up arrow next to the elevator. Once inside, you need to scan an ID card if you want to go anywhere. Pay attention because you will need to remember this part. I'm giving you this." At that point, I felt him press something small into my palm. "Place this in the scanning slot and bend it so that it tilts downward slightly. Have Kaminari administer a low voltage shock, then hit the button that will take you to the fourteenth floor. You will be told what to do from there."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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