then, uraraka ochaco stood up from her seat and told the waiter/waitress that they want their food that has been ordered to be stored in a plastic box or container, changing their order to a to-go one instead. asui tsuyu was so ready to attack as her position was changed into a hopping position and her hero instincts are kicking in.

the pro-hero uravity arrived back with the plastic bags, each having the different servings of their food they have ordered. everyone takes their own plastic bag (after checking which one is theirs obviously) and walked out of the restaurant after they have contacted the police department and their agencies.

the waiters/waitresses started to tell their customers to leave due to some major emergencies. of course some were understanding while others couldn't accept it. but they would notice the pro-heroes were sitting in the same restaurant and they would be quiet.

even though it was a serious and dangerous situation right now, some went up to them and asked for their autographs. the bi-colored male shook his head in pure amusement, but kept a straight face as the other three had a nervous look on their faces. they couldn't say no to their fans, after all. not even the young todoroki can either. so they signed them off rather quickly.

once everyone had evacuated to safety, the four pro-heroes looked for a specific black-hooded figure, however, they were gone too. well, that's a bad sign. until they felt someone behind them in which they instantly turned around. and then there they were. the dual eyed male saw the familiar speck of blue lingering out of the black hoodie.

"izuku midoriya. the current symbol of peace. how annoying." the young midoriya and the todoroki heard them whisper. some obnoxious scratching sound can be heard too. 

the green-haired male quickly turns around and throws in a powerful reverse roundhouse kick, green lightning can be seen sparking from his feet from his quirk. the villain agilely jumps back on instinct, their hands in the pockets of the hoodie. it was as if they were nonchalant about this.

the dual eyed male uses his ice side of his quirk to freeze the figure's feet to keep them immobilized. the females helped the staff of the restaurant to sneak out of the restaurant as the males stayed back to stall with the villain to have more time.

but once the young midoriya threw a full-cowling punch at him, the villain's lips have curled up into a cocky smirk. his red eyes glowering with mockery and pride. the figure turned into a cream-colored gooey substance when the pro-hero deku threw in a mighty punch. izuku midoriya takes this as a sign that the actual villain is nearby. so impulsively, he started dashing off.

"midoriya!" the young todoroki's eyes shifted to the goo. he didn't know what to say about that exactly. it's a decoy but...why does he feel like there's something more to it? something...terrible. he concluded that the villain is nearby.

he remembered what the news said. was this what they were talking about? he needs to save them. the police forces and some backup have arrived. he told them what was going on in a short summary and told them what to do. then he starts running after the young midoriya.

luckily for them, the group had met each other again along the way.

everyone decided to stick together and be on the lookout for each other. also look for the black hooded figure, of course. the silence was tense, but at least it wasn't as suffocating when they were at the restaurant. yes, they still feel like they are being followed. but if the villain were to attack them now, there will be more of a chance that they will be able to get everyone evacuated in time and cause the least destruction.


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