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three || visiting her


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the soba that the male made did taste pretty good. he was surprised that he did well especially when he is literally sleep-deprived right now. once he was done, he proceeded to go and wash the dishes. the water from the faucet making a relaxing sound in his ears, making the silence disappear temporarily. he sighed in mere satisfaction. he dried out his hands with a towel and walked to the living room. he sat down on one of the couches, feeling something is out of place within the room. shoto todoroki wasn't sure what it was exactly, but he knows for sure that it had something to do with you.

he thought that he could move on from that incident, but it seemed like his mind had other plans at hand, and decided to be a little bit of an ass about it.

his mind couldn't stop playing that memory when he would look at the photograph like a gramophone that would constantly replay its old records. he is, after all, unsure of his feelings for you. but he knew that he feels something towards you.

he might have to ask his sister about it because he is unsure of this warm yet longing feeling in his heart. he is always so clueless after all.

he looked over at the black telephone that was ringing for about an hour ago. he walked up to the telephone and looked through the telephone's history. it was an unknown number that called him?

"it's probably spam or something..." he thought to himself as he pressed certain buttons to get to the call history, always making a little click when he pressed them. he has those old landlines. yes, he is an oldie; but can you blame him?

he raised his eyebrows, the number didn't start with fishy numbers. in fact, it was a number that he actually recognized.

it was from his father. what did he want? he would imagine what his father would say, but all he could hear is him scolding him for not training hard enough recently. he shook his head.

he sighed and placed the telephone back on its stand. he actually thought it was something important but it was just his father. probably to ask him about his training or something like he has always done in the past years. he could care less, this is an off day for him. he's not dealing with him today.

𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕜𝕤 || 𝖘. 𝖙𝖔𝖉𝖔𝖗𝖔𝖐𝖎Where stories live. Discover now