Chapter 2 Abellona

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Chapter 2


The sun is fucking shining today and there is not a cloud in the sky. It smells like fresh cut grass and it's amazing. The only thing that would make the day even better is if we didn't have school. But i'm not gonna complain because tomorrow is my birthday and i love my birthday. I'll finally be 18 years old tomorrow.

This school building is terrible! The classes are boring, the teachers are lazy, and the students are amazing! I tend to attract a lot of people because of my personality. I'm bright and bubbly. I smile a lot and my hair is so golden it shines in any light. I wear sparkles and glitter all the time. People think that I'm a child because of the things that i like. It's hilarious when people find out how old i am.

Now I'll tell you why I'm considered a child tho. I stand at approximately 5 foot 2 inches. My eyes are very wide and innocent but I'll tell ya right now I'm nowhere near innocent. Well I'm not innocent in my mind, my body tho is pure. I have wide hips that i got from my momma and i may have been gifted with great tits. Overall I'm tiny and chunky.

    Anyways since today is Friday I'm a lot happier with how the day is moving. The classes haven't been as boring as i thought it would be. I mean Mrs. Hollingston was not moody and barely has any work today. Although she didn't let us talk she had no problem with us being on  our phones. Which of course all i did was scroll through Insta and group text my besties.

    Ooooo my besties! There is Kam who is a fiery latina who has no problem telling you off of getting all in your business. She is taller than me at 5 foot 7 and her hair is a flaming orangish red color she refuses to change. Kam is beyond smart but extremely rowdy.

    Then Synphonique or Syn, the little whore. Don't get it wrong tho she is a virgin but will tell you all her dirty little fantasies. She dresses to fit every fucking prefect curve on her body. I'm way jealous of their curves and feel like a whale next to her. Syn is about 5 foot 9, so pretty much model height and to be honest she really should be a model. This beautiful black queen makes most boys and men fall to their knees in order to worship her. She has the most luscious black curls that fall beneath her shoulders. Just fucking beautiful.

    Last but not least this bitch Aurora. Yes this is her name. Her mother is a fairytale freak. You would think with that name she would be sweet and innocent like the princess but nope. She is an E girl! She dyes her natural platinum blonde hair black all the time. Her clothes are the most edgy from neon to black. Aurora speaks the least of everyone but she is the most caring. She is about 5 foot 3 , so only a little taller than I am.

    Those my girls and i fucking love them. Right now we are all sitting at lunch talking about this asshole girl that kept trying to hit on Syn's boyfriend Ryan.

"This raunchy gutterball stank pussy bitch was asking if they could hang out sometime. WHILE I WAS FUCKING STANDING THERE!" Syn all but screams. "If he didn't grab my hand i would have ripped her to pieces right there in the courtyard."

    I giggle, "But why are you so mad? That boy is completely wrapped around your finger."

    "Yeah well even so i was bout to fucking kill her and he was gonna be crippled." She said rolling her eyes.

    Kam and Aurora chuckled at this. I pushed my fries around on my plate. I look around the cafe at all the other students talking and laughing with their friends. As my eyes drift past the shaded areas of the cafe I notice a figure covered in black. The person keeps their head down with a hood covering their heads.

    'Who is this person?' I think to myself.There is a tingling sensation at the back of my mind and i started to get giddy.

    'Don't worry about that person right now. Soak up the sun. It's beautiful out today my daughter and it's all for you.' I hear the soft chuckle in his voice as he speaks to me.

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