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Anime: Haikyuu!!

Walking  pass  people, who  only  looked  at  you  with  a  weird  looking  face, you  smiled  warmly  as  your  body  moved  pass  curious  faces. They're  probably  wondering  why  you're  so  happy  on  the  first  day  of  school. I mean who would be?

Walking pass Nekoma's hallways you finally spotted Kuroo. Your eyes lit up right away and you ran towards him. Passing people, making wind blast pass them. Once you were close to Kuroo, you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him up, spinning him around.

"A-Aghh!! M/N you scared me!!" He whined as he cupped his hands on both of your chubby cheeks once you stopped spinning. You chuckled and rubbed your nose with his. He  blushed  and  soon  closed  his  eyes  and  smiled  warmly.

"Omg...they're  dating!!!"




Whispers  could  be  heard. You  could  hear  them  which  made  you  happy, because  now  people  know  that  Kuroo  is  yours. Kuroo  felt  tense, but  when  he's  with  you  he  feels  safe  and  could  careless  about  anything.

You  placed  him  down  on  his  feet. You  looked  at  him. "How  was  your  summer?" You  asked, while  having  stars, and  flowers  around  your  form. Which  cause  people  to  blush  at  your  cuteness.

Kuroo  was  the  most  affected  one. He  loved  the  sweet  and  angelic  side  of  you. "I-It  was  fine...I  got  to  hangout  with  Kenma, and  my  family  more...b-but  I  missed  you...." he  mumbled. Your  eyes  widened  as  you  burst  into  tears. You  hugged  him  tight, which  made  him  Yelp, and  rubbed  your  cheek  into  his. "I'm sorry, baby! I was busy with Basketball camp!! I promise I'll be with you from now on!!!" You whimpered. Kuroo chuckled and stroke your locks. "It's alright, M/N. Besides, we both have practice after school. I doubt we will see each other ALL day!~" he purred. You frown at the memory.

He's right, you both are third years, and captains of your team. It's going to be hard to maintain your relationship now....Especially today, since you both have to introduce and help the new comers...

"Maybe I can stay over at your place?" Kuroo asked. Your eyes lit up, but then darken. "You can't." Kuroo gave you a questionable look. "Why not?" "My mom is having her anniversary with her boyfriend. You know what they always do...." you grunted. Kuroo blushed, but sadly nodded. "Maybe you can sleep at my place? Besides, my parents aren't going to be home till tomorrow morning!" Your eyes started to sparkle. You nodded like a little child. "Really? Thank you, baby!!" You  kissed  his  cheek. He  blushed  and  quickly  pushed  you  away. "Not  on  public, idiot..." he  whispered. You  chuckled  and  nodded.

Soon  the  bell  rang. "See  ya  during  lunch!" You  waved  off  and  ran  towards  your  classroom. Kuroo  waved  back  and  entered  inside  his  classroom.

Lunch  time.

You  got  up  from  your  seat  and  walked  towards  the  doors. "M/N!!" You  stopped, and  looked  behind  you. "Do  you  wanna  e-eat  with  us?" A  blond  hair  girl  asked. You  smiled  warmly. "Sorry, I'm  eating  with  my  boyfriend  today!" Flowers  started  to  appear  around  you. The  girl  looked  at  you  in  shock. You  turn  around  and  continue  walking. Half  way  there, you  saw  Kuroo. You  smiled  wide. "Did  you  forget  your  lunch?" He  asked  you. You  looked  down  at  your  hands  then  up  at  him, and  nodded. You  grin. "I  plan  on  buying  schools  lunch! Plus, it's  (f/f)  day!" You  chuckled. Kuroo  rolled  his  eyes. He  showed  his  bento  in  front  of  your  face. You  gave  him  a  confuse  look. He  blushed  and  looked  away  from  you. "I-I  made  (f/f)  for  you...I  knew  you  were  going  to  forget  your  lunch...." You  stared  at  him  blankly. Then  your  heart  was  finally  stroked. "Tetsurou!!!! You're  an  angel!!!" You  screamed, making  people  around  you Both  stare  at  you. Kuroo  quickly  grabbed  your  wrist  and  pulled  you  towards  the  courtyard.

"A-Agh! Tetsurou why so shy all of a sudden?" Kuroo didn't answer. Although, from the back view you can see his ears red. You smiled cheekily at his embarrassment. He may not like PDA, but he will sometimes do random affections out of the blue. You don't mind, plus PDA is your favorite shit!

Kuroo finally stopped walking. You looked around the area. "Wow! I've never knew there was an empty place around the courtyard! How did you find it-" Kuroo kissed your lips. He quickly pulled away and sat down on the grass. You still stared forward. Your hand reached towards your lips and touched them. Kuroo looked up at you with a red and curios face. Your eyes went towards him. "T-Tetsurou! You're so cute!!!" You cling on to him. Kuroo chuckled. "S-Stop, you idiot. Here have some (f/f)!" He scolded you. You nodded violently. Your body sat up. Your mouth open wide as Kuroo placed the food on your mouth. "Arigatou!!" You said while chewing. Kuroo laughed at your idiotic self. Once the food went down your esophagus. You looked at Kuroo as he looked at you with confusion, on why you keep staring at him. You smiled warmly. Kuroo's eyes look gorgeous....his smooth glossy lips....his perfect nose....even his hair.....the way he smells....EVERYTHING about him is just perfect! You leaned towards him and kissed his lips. Kuroo's eyes grew wide, but quickly close them as he kissed back. He placed his chopsticks and bento down his lap and moved both of his hand on your cheeks.

Your lips moved with beats, as your tongues dance around with each other.

Boy how much you missed him.

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