As I walked to the grey one, I inspected the wolf. Its right eye has been cut and its bleeding. Besides that, there also some cuts from its body. This is bad, it must be treated ASAP.

"My medical kit is at my house, it's not too far from here. Will you let me carry your friend to my house?" I said to the Blue one

The black one seems to hesitate first, but a few seconds later it nods to me, signaling it's a yes.

"Thank you."

I took and carried The Grey one by my arms.

"Follow me," I said to the blue one

With that, I hurriedly walk to my home.


As I came to my house, I opened the door to my house letting the blue one come in. I placed the grey one at the table of my living room. After that, I pick up my medical kit labeled as an emergency.

Ok, the victim's eye has been cut. Not to mention, the patient is an animal.

First, inspect. Is the eye cut deep? I take a look at the grey one eye; I think it's not too deep. Thank goodness.

Next, disinfect. I'm going to apply a bit of alcohol to do its wound. Its purpose to not letting any bacteria go into the wound.

I take the alcohol bottle from the medical kit. Then I pour some to cotton. I press the cotton on the wolf eye. The grey one winced and howled a bit, making the black one growl to me.

"I know that hurts. But please, bear with it. It will help you recover safely." I said to the grey one.

The grey one howls softly; I take that as an okay response to me. I take another cotton to wipe the leftover blood. Now, I can see how deep the wound is.

Should I stitch or should I not? The wound isn't too deep, but it maybe will leave a scar. So, I guess I'll just patch it up.

I took a few cotton and Band-Aid. Then I just apply that on its eye. It's should be enough for her to recover. I also tended the cuts from its body

"It's done." I sighed with a sign of relief.

Did I do okay? My only thought left is my anxiety about failing.

I never did this before, I never thought that my first medical experience is patching up a wolf.


I feel tired of all of that.

Oh yeah, I forgot. The black one still here.

"Hey there, I totally forgot that you're here," I said to the black wolf

"I patched up its eye. It's not too much, but I hope he can recover."

The response I get is that stare to my soul. I feel like the wolf is silently observing me.

I can't help to get anxiety because of that.

...I feel sleepy.

"Hey, sorry to ask this to you, but can you watch over him? All of that made me tired, so I going to take a short nap." I said to the black wolf.

The blue wolf stared at me again. Then it let out a small growl. I guess it's a yes to me.

I leaned against the sofa and start to comfort myself.

...Hah. What a day. What will happen after I woke up?

With that, I let myself drift asleep.


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