"If there is a next time, make sure I'm not stood right behind you when you give answers like that." I stood in shock, not knowing what to do.

I'd let my anger get the better of me again and I'd messed it all up.

The crowd had dispersed and were following Lola now, she held her head up in pride of what she had just done and grabbed Dani in a hug before walking to her car. My stomach churned as I realised why Dani had made me leave. She didn't want me to feel any more pain when her hair had fully gone and she didn't want me to see Lola in such a state but I hadn't read her like that. I thought it was all going to be kept a secret form me and I was never going to know how long she would have left.

I thought it was all a game to them.

Lola's POV

As soon as I heard him answering those questions I regretted the hair loss instantly. I had shaved it all off just to show him how strong I could be and that I would fight for him. My heart faltered when he told them all that I was just a distraction and the only thing I could do to make me feel better was to walk out and hold my head up high. My head was telling me to carry on and be strong but my heart couldn't take anymore and it was so close to giving up.

I mustered up my last bit of strength and marched out to the cameras with a hug smile on my face, masking the pain I actually felt. The look on Harry's face was instant sadness and regret, he knew I'd been there and I just wanted to pull him close and tell him I was ok. He looked proud of me for a moment and I thought he'd pull me close and tell them that we were really in love, but nothing came.

I pulled my own little stunt with him and walked away from him, for the last time. Dani held my hand and we rushed into her car and drive away before I broke down. The tears came rushing down my face and my heart felt like it had split in two.

"Dani, he he said he loved me. I have no one, I'm no one." I gasped through the tears and held my head in my hands.

Dani gently rubbed my back as she drove and stroked my head gently as a way to calm me down.

"Babe, he does love you, he really does. I can tell by the way he looks at you and I ain't sticking up for him coz I don't like him but I'll give credit where it's due. He was just nervous."

"He called me a distraction, Dan. I'm fucking dying and he called me a distraction." Dani pulled over to a stop rest in the middle if the road and continued to talk to me.

"He was being clever in front of those people. He has to be, it's part of the job."

I considered everything she was saying but the way I felt couldn't be helped by the pointless explanations.

"I don't want to die alone." Dani's head snapped up and she looked at me carefully.

"You wouldn't ever die alone, Lo. I'll always be with you." She looked at me sincerely before her eyes grew large in shock and a scream escaped her mouth, then a smash came shortly after.

And that's all I heard.
It went black.

Harry's POV

I ran as fast as I could to follow her car but with the amount of people surrounding it I couldn't reach her fast enough. I needed to see her and apologise, she didn't deserve this and I needed to explain that she wasn't a game to me at all. In the midst of all the commotion I rang Louis and explained what had happened.

"You better be on your way to see her now, you arsehole." He cursed at me and shouted down the phone.

"I'm driving as we speak, Lou. Don't worry."

"I'm not worrying at all, mate. You are the one that better be worrying coz if I was her I'd smack you so hard in the balls that you wouldn't know your left from your right."

I swallowed as I realised that Louis was being dead serious for a change and I quickly put the phone down.

I sped along to her flat and pulled up, the wheels screeching on the road. I hopped out of the car and ran to the door, yanking it open and taking the stairs two at a time. As I reached her door my phone rang and I looked down to see my Mum calling, she never usually rang and if she did it was always important.

So I walked back down the stairs and answered.


"Harry, are you with Lola?"

"No, why?" My voice started to tremble and I realised what was coming. I soon jumped up and ran the stairs, trying her door to find it locked. She hadn't made it home.

"Mum answer me right now." I heard her sniffle and sob.

"There's been a crash on the M1. Two girls were hit by a lorry, one is dead, Harry."

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