💞Chapter One💞

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💞Chapter One💞

"Playboy's Ghost and the Man-hater's Soul"

Hey, I remembered I was drunk. Too drunk. Now, I could still walked on the side of the street without any missed trailing the eternal white line. I touched my head—oh, I was feeling good, actually. Earlier my head was spinning in ache. Okay, fine. I breathed and looked the busy streets of Lamori, a place where I grew—where I built my empire—and yet, everything's not enough.

You know, something's lacking—missing. I wanted to search for it, claim it, well—I could bought everything I wanted to even if costs a soul! But how could I search that missing unknown?

I had almost everything—I mean, I had it already. I was born with a golden spoon in my mouth! I was totally spoiled bastard with a lot of cars, houses, friends, and hell yeah—women. Not to mention, my growing real estate company who kept digging for money. I couldn't asked for more, right?

Why the hell still I was feeling—troubled?

I suddenly halted myself in discerning too much about nonsense inner predicaments when I noticed frantic turmoil ahead. People even blocked the road side—wait, why was I even walking when I had my car.

I turned around. Did I left it outside my club? I remembered I was drunk and this model, Farah tangled to me and wanna be f**k. Sh*t—where's she? Did I left her at the hotel? Of course, I always left!

"Hey, what happened?" I asked this old street sweeper but he was too busy looking at the crowded scene—he didn't hear me. Jeez. Next, came in the police cars and started to check the—hey, there's a car accident again.

I stepped closer and stood beside this lady wearing her black leather jacket. She was also looking at the scene. My eyes went to see the accident scene where a car was totally smashed on the tree—was the driver blind?

"Do you know who the driver is?" I heard the other woman beside her asked.

"I heard, it's Nixon Brooks car and he's behind the wheel." What the f**k!? I looked at the woman who—enunciated my name as clear as crystal! She must trying to pull out my leg—she knew who the f**k standing right next to her. Was she one of my women?

"You know there's no other Nixon Brooks in this work, right?" My eyes were sending rods of lightning straight to her but she didn't bother. Damn! As if, she didn't hear anything, huh?

"Hey! I am Nixon-Brooks! Why are you wishing me dead?!" My bloody stirred up when I yelled at her—but f**k. She really didn't care at all!

"N-Nixon Brooks?! You've got to be kidding.." The other lady seemed very sad now—she was about to cry uttering my name. Were they crazy? I wished to know these two—no, this woman wearing this faded leather jacket! I wished to know her name and let her knew who was she trying to call from hell!

I was about to walked away when bodies lifted from the car. I immediately looked at my clothes—f-f**k's w-wrong? The first one who was carried now by medical staffs were exactly wearing the same clothes! I ran towards the scene to closely checked—myself..

W-What the hell...

I was looking at my own self—full of blood and fractures. I felt so much cold ran down my spine. I unconsciously followed up inside the ambulance. S-So, the woman was not kidding earlier..

F**k. A-Am I dead?

Next, I saw Farah being handled in another ambulance. That was why I remembered I was with her—we supposed to go to my hotel and checked in. B-But..I couldn't remembered the details...

I saw everything. Like how the medical people rushed me inside the hospital and revived me. I was standing here all the time—contemplating if this was a bad dream.

Coz I wanna woke up now!

I loathed this dream!

"Dad? Titus?" My dad and my older brother rushed towards me and yet—they just passed me through! T-They did.. They couldn't see me.. This was f***ing crazy!

"Mr. Brooks, your son is in coma." I heard the doctor told dad when he came out from the emergency room. My brother, Titus—who I had not seen for quite a while suddenly dashed here to see me. Being step-brothers were too hard to adjusted—even in our adult stage. But he's here.

"D-Dad, can you hear me?" I was closely standing behind him. Titus tapped his shoulder and trying to console the old man—was this even real? When I woke up from this dream, I'd laughed out loud hilariously!

"Nixon will be fine, dad. He's strong." Titus assured my father but I wanna laughed now! When was the last time—he did do and say good things to me?

Coz the last time I knew—he loathed me being his brother!

"Dad! Hear me out!" I screamed. But hell—I could hear my echoed voice but they really couldn't hear me. Until I saw them both walking and got inside the room where I was laying down—n-no, I would never wished to see myself in this situation.


I couldn't be dead!

"Nixon Brooks. Time is running out for you." I turned around when somebody talked behind. W-Who was she? I stepped backward—I felt terrified. She was in all white—I couldn't even described her skin's color and if she was wearing a long dress and what type of fabric it was—she was so bright.

"F**k. Am I really dead?" I blurted suddenly. Hell yeah! "Who are you? Am I..dead?" With courage, I asked the lady. She neither nod or did some gestures—she just seriously stared at me.

"Do you wanna be dead?" She asked.

"No!" I yelled out. Then she raised her hand and pointed this woman who was about to passed through the alley of this area.

"Your time is running out. Save this woman from anguish and your soul will be forgiven." What did she say?! I looked at the woman she was pointing to—damn, she was the one at the street earlier!

"What do you---mean?" She was gone! Where did she go?! I couldn't find her in any corner—no, I had to asked more questions coz I didn't get her point.

Save that woman? Why the hell? I should saved my own self from this!

My soul will be forgiven?! Hah! I didn't do anything—I didn't kill somebody or robbed or did criminal things. Why would I be forgiven when I didn't no anything?

That was totally absurd!

The woman who blurted my name earlier went inside the room where dad and Titus were there too. Sh*t! I didn't want to see myself yet I had no choice, huh.

I looked at her checking my vital signs while asleep. Awful, looking at my face right now—lots of bruises. She was not smiling—so, she was a nurse, huh?

How the hell did you know me when I didn't know you at all? And now, I was the one who's in coma—but that starry lady told me to save you instead!

What was wrong with my life when yesterday, it was all the best!?




I would love to hear your thoughts!

Gracias.. Let's stay safe at home..

Love lots...


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