?? return

109 8 1

.... Tom on ....

After the whole party, I got a hangover, but I was happy, because I had finally ended the reign of terror of that damn commie!
While I was in bed with body aches, I sent my soldiers to search all over England, if anyone was in need of help or medical care or shelter.
I was so happy, man !!!!! ^^

..... Tom off .....

.... ??  on ....

After that massacre that happened at my own base, I was among the rubble of the base, all bloody.  I had been shot in the chest, but I was protected with a bulletproof vest.  I could be all hurt but I was alive!
I tried to get out of the rubble, and there I struggled to get out.
I got up very hard and limped on one leg and saw what was left of the base.  Anything.  There was nothing left. Everything was destroyed ... all my soldiers were dead ...
I looked at many fallen soldiers, killed on the ground ... creed ...
I looked at Paul, who had a totally bloody leg, and I heard him breathing, stopped short, bent down and saw him open his eyes.
“Boss?” He asked, confused in the midst of coughing fits.
-Are you alive ?! (Paul)
-Yeap, I'm alive. (Me)
-M-But how ?? (Paul)
-There is bullet proof.  Do you think a simple army can kill Red Leader?  Never!
-But they destroyed our base.  And they killed our men! (Paul)
-Yes, but let's get it all back, -I said, extending my hand so he could grab it and get up.
He stood up and looked around.
-The base is in ruins. (Paul)
-You might as well say.  Look, soldier, let's see if we can find anyone else alive. (Me)
-Come on. (Paul)
We started to spread out over the completely destroyed base, and seeing if in any soldier, the heart was still beating.
I still limped just like Paul, but he had more difficulty walking than I did.

I started to see the pulse of some soldiers and nothing, not even a heartbeat.  Anything.
The base was silent, until ...
I went to meet him, hopeful.
I looked at the body that he had told me could be alive, and who was it?  Patryck.
I bent down, put my fingers on his wrist and then on his chest to feel more his heart beat, while Paul was also trying to hear it beat, kneeling beside Patryck, and his heart really beat!  !
I started to hear his breathing, until he opened his eyes.
-Patryck, .... are you feeling well? (Paul)
-Paul?  Boss?  Are you really? (Patryck)
-Yes, soldier, it's us. (Me)
-You, ... how are you alive? (Patryck)
-Like you soldier. (Me)
Paul and I helped Patryck to his feet, and we noticed that his back was all bloody.
-Are anybody also going to be alive, like us? (Patryck)
-I don't know, soldier.
-We can keep looking ... (Paul)
-Yeah, let's keep looking. (Me)

We started looking for hours but nothing, nobody was alive.  Of more than 2,000 soldiers, much more than 2,000, probably 4,000 or 5,000, because more people had entered, only 2 soldiers were left alive!  Look at the number of soldiers killed, it's all the fault of that damned Jehovah!  Spoiling all my plans, year plans !!  Completely destroyed!

-Boss, there's no one alive.  What do we do and where are we going now? (Patryck)
-Now we have to find some place to regain strength and rest ... (Me)
-Well, I have my girlfriend living in this city. (Paul)
-Paul, do you have a girlfriend ?? (me)
-You never told us you had a girlfriend !! (Patryck)
-But I have.  We dated for 3 years.  We can go to each one of them, and as she is a nurse, she can help us.  What do you say? (Paul)
-Well, ... we can go. (Patryck)
-But just one question, does she support the red army and communism or is it against? (Me)
-She supports 100%, she is very proud that I am a red soldier. (Paul)
-Great.  So come on. (Me)

We went to Paul's girlfriend's house, holding each other sideways so we could walk right there.

We went into his girlfriend's house, and her name was Lory, she was very friendly, and she went crazy when she saw me, she thought I was a savior or a hero.
She helped us, fed us and helped us.

My soldiers and I went to sleep over at her house.

Let Tom wait, that he may have won the battle, but he won't win the war.
I have more soldiers in Norway, on a base of mine in Norway, I just need to call them, bring the weapons from that base and build a new and improved base here in England, which will be stronger than before.

Tom just wait.  That I will have my revenge!  And I hope it doesn't take too long!

May Tom wait and celebrate his victory, but his victory and his joy will be soon ... may he wait for me ....

.... Tord off ....


Hiiii, I hope you enjoyed my 5th chapter of this new fanfic.

Enjoy and leam my other fanfics.🙂
And read the story because the story has so much story to tell.

Kisses !! 😄❤

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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