Blue Army vs Red Army

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..... Tom on ....

Finally we arrived at Red Base, I will be able to avenge all the innocent people who suffered at the hands of Tord.

At the gates there were 2 soldiers guarding the Base.  I had a plan;  signal.

We both arrived in front of them and ....
-Can we talk to Red Leader, please?  (I)
-Why can I know? (Soldier ?? (* Paul))
-Well .... hm ... (me)
-We were told to come here, by the queen! (Edd)
-Yes, that's it!  The Queen sent us to have a word with Red Leader.  Can we come in? (Me)
-Hm ... This is looking suspicious to me ... (Soldier ?? (* Patryck))
-Do you want the Queen to send her troops ??  If you didn't let us in, you will suffer the consequences !! (Edd)
They looked at each other, and one of them said:
-You can come in. (Soldier ?? (* Paul))
-Oh thank you very much.  (I)
-Can you tell us, where is the Red Leader's office? (Edd)
-Of course, come with us. (Soldier ?? (* Patryck))
-Oh, thank you so much guys. (Edd)
We entered the Base with the soldiers in front of us, until we reached Tord's office.
-Red Leader, we have two Queen's envoys here to talk to you! (Soldier ?? (* Paul))
-Send them in. (Tord)
They left us, we went in, they closed the door, they left and we were alone with him.
-So what does the Queen want this time? (Tord)
-Well ... she told us to come here to ask you to stop the attacks and bombings without reason!  For they are endangering citizens! (Edd)
-Many innocent citizens were killed unjustly! (Me)
-And she thinks that just for sending two servants of hers to come and tell me to stop, that I will stop?  Not by shadows!  I'm already going in a good way. (Tord)
-But she said, if you don't give in, and stop this nonsense, there will be a war between you and the Queen! (Me)
-And?  I have an army big and powerful enough to defeat the queen's army in 3 strokes.  (Tord)
-Then you won't give in? (Edd)
-Pff, of course not. (Tord)
-So you know, Tord!-I said, taking off my hat and raincoat, like Edd.
-Tone?!  Edd ?!  I thought you were dead ?! (Tord)
-You thought badly, now, you have to suffer for the people and lives that you destroyed! (Edd)
-Go ahead!-I said through my intercom to my troops.
-Who can advance ?? (Tord)
Out of nowhere you hear a huge bang and some shots.
-Tom, Edd, what's going on? (Tord)
-Vengeance. (Me)
-What are you doing ?! (Tord)
- Revenge. (Me and Edd)

We left his office, went down the stairs and saw a huge chaos, they were, people fallen to one side already dead, others still standing killing others and causing destruction by the Base.
Tord didn't know what to do.

Until he feels something touching his back, he turned and was a blue soldier, with a gun pointed at him.
-I will not kill you now, first my soldiers will have fun with you, how about? (Me)
Some blue soldiers took him and took him into the crowd in the middle of the war.

-Ah ... what a beautiful sight.
-Tom, don't you think this is being overkill? (Edd)
-Nah, for so many lives that he destroyed and so many people that he killed, he deserves it. (Me)
While I was watching that beautiful view of watching Tord lose, Matt came to us.
- Guys, more red soldiers are coming!  What will we do ?? (Matt)
-We need reservations. (Me)
-But aren't you exaggerating ??  It's too much destruction! (Edd)
-Advance.-I said to my reserve soldiers that I had hidden in the pine forest around the Base by the intercom, not even answering Edd.

And from there it started to look like my reserve soldiers in the middle of the war fighting too. They were red soldiers on one side and blue on the other.  Sometimes a few red soldiers would come up behind me to try to take me down, but I was perceptive and killed them with weapons.  It was a massacre, a chaos. Even Matt ended up fainting when he saw it all. (* 🤣)

At the end of that massacre, I went down the stairs to the ground floor.  There were a few blue soldiers dead on the floor and thousands of red ones dead as well.
-All the reds are dead Blue Leader.-a soldier said to me
- Even Tord? (Me)
-Yes (blue soldier)
I was very happy with this news.
-Good job my soldiers !!  I am very proud of you.  You managed to avenge your families, your houses, your cities, from the Tord!  I'm very proud!!  Congratulations!!
-LIVE TO BLUE LEADER! (Blue soldier)
-LIVE !! (Blue soldiers)
-OUR SAVIOR! (Blue soldier)
-YEAHHH !!! (Blue soldiers)
-LIVE! (Blue soldiers)
Many soldiers, men and women were already crying with joy and others were shouting with euphoria!
I was very happy at that time.  The Red Base was destroyed, the red soldiers dead and especially the Tord dead too.

I took advantage and sent some soldiers to fetch some weapons, equipment, food and etc., and to take advantage and destroy and demolish the base.

When everything was done ...
-And now Tom? (Edd and Matt)
-Come to our Base to celebrate !! (Me)
-YEAHHHHHH !!! (Everyone but me)

We left there very happy, went back to our base and had a huge party where I just ended up getting really drunk.  😂

..... Tom off ....

..... Narrator on ....

Is it really over?  We'll see in the next chapter. :3

..... Narrator off ......


Hiiii, I hope you enjoyed my 4th chapter of this new fanfic.

Enjoy and leam my other fanfics.🙂
And read the story because the story has so much story to tell.

Kisses !! 😄❤

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