In actuality, they only joined the alliance to avoid being invaded by members of the alliance and to ward off Great Qin from attacking them. That was the Glass World's true goal, or else they would not have joined the alliance.

Chapter 1523: Wind God

Suddenly, some people walked in and handed out letters to the various leaders. The leaders all felt quite confused, but the people whispered something to them, causing them to look quite serious as they started to read the letters.

Dong Yueli and the others felt quite confused, not knowing what had happened for the leaders to become so serious.

Following this, the leaders started to look at them - some had expressions of pity and reluctance, while others had condescending expressions.

This included the Alliance Master, who had treated them incredibly courteously; he now seemed quite cold, causing Dong Yueli and the others' hearts to sink. Something bad had definitely happened, but they did not know what it was.

The Alliance Master looked at the others, who all nodded; there was not a single person who did not nod. Seeing this, the middle-aged man said, "Apologies, members of the Glass World, you have been kicked out from the alliance. Don't worry, we won't attack you though."

Those words instantly caused Dong Yueli and the others to feel quite furious; what did these people take them as? Even though they were weak, they were not completely defenseless. How could they just kick them out like that, and not give them any face?

Even though they were furious, but facing the bosses of the various worlds, they did not dare to vent their anger. Dong Yueli said coldly, "Alliance Master, can you tell us what happened and why you're kicking us out?"

The Alliance Master explained, "Great Qin sent a message telling us not to accept you, or else it will no longer help tie down the Devil Horn Empire and will treat us as enemies. If we kick you out, Great Qin promises not to attack us. Apologies, but you should understand how much we fear Great Qin, so we can only kick you out."

This was how domineering Great Qin was; a single word was enough to command the entire alliance, who could only obey.

Dong Yueli and the others understood and got up to leave. Their hearts were now filled with anger towards Great Qin and the alliance.

At the same time, they quickly hurried back to prepare various things to resist Great Qin. They understood that Great Qin was definitely going to attack, and if they did not prepare soon, it would be too late.

Great Qin was indeed mobilizing forces to prepare to attack the Glass World. As Great Qin's massive war machine started to operate, an enormous aura of killing and conquering spread out, causing the atmosphere to become oppressive and everyone started to become wary.

Great Qin had already stationed soldiers in its other worlds, and they set up measures to prevent other worlds from spying.

Seeing that Great Qin was about to attack the Glass World, the Devil Horn Empire, which had been lying low, caught this opportunity to announce that it would fully support the Glass World as long as it submitted to the Devil Horn Empire and become its vassal world.

Great Qin had been obstructing the Devil Horn Empire's development this whole time, and now that the Devil Horn Empire had the same number of worlds as Great Qin, it wanted to take revenge and obstruct Great Qin.

As Great Qin's enemy, the Devil Horn Empire was determined to stop Great Qin from attacking the Glass World in order to relieve its anger.

The Glass World had been terrified at the prospects of being attacked by various parties, but after joining the alliance, it had been overjoyed at its newfound peace. However, hearing that Great Qin was going to attack it and that the alliance had kicked it out, it once again fell into fear.

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