
"Nini..." Lisa approached the woman lying on the small bed, clutching the blue Thomas blanket and sniffing the pillow. Lisa tried to make Jennie sit up. "Here, drink. I know you must be thirsty." She offered Jennie the glass of water.

Jennie didn't move.

Lisa set the glass down on the small nightstand and lay down next to Jennie. "We still have visitation rights. We can go see him every weekend." She kissed Jennie's forehead and stroked her hair gently.

"It's not the same."

"I know but it's better than nothing." Lisa quietly observed Jennie's swollen face for a few more minutes. "I think I'll go get some fresh air and then pick them up. You stay here and rest." She kissed Jennie's forehead and moved to leave.

Jennie grabbed Lisa's wrist just as the latter was about to stand up.

Lisa turned to see the sad eyes and sighed. She lay back down and kissed Jennie lightly. "I'll be back soon." She gently brushed Jennie's cheek with the back of her fingers. "I love you. We'll get through this somehow. Together. With Heeryung too." She tried to smile. "I'll be back." She pecked Jennie's cheek and got up.

Lisa grabbed the car keys from the table near the door and walked out of the house.

She got inside the car and closed the door.

The silence of the small space quadrupled the empty feeling in her heart. It suffocated her. She felt everything closing in on her and quickly pushed the door open to get out, panting.

Lisa slammed the door shut with all her strength and kicked it with the base of her foot, letting out a loud frustrated curse. Her voice howled and echoed through the street, making some passersby turn their heads in surprise.

She leaned on the car and sobbed, unable to hold it in any longer.

Her legs gave way and she slouched down onto the pavement, hugging her knees and crying her heart out.


Jennie didn't want to answer the ringing phone but since it didn't seem to stop, she finally pushed herself off the bed and went to her room to get it.

She saw the name on the screen and frowned. She answered the call. "Mom?"

"Hi, Jennie-yah, are you back from court?"

"Yes. Why?"

"When are you going to pick them up? Can they have dinner here or do you want them to have dinner at home?"

"W‐what?" Jennie looked at the clock and although she didn't know exactly when Lisa had left the house, she knew that it certainly had been more than an hour. "Lisa hasn't arrived?"

"Um... no. Is she on her way?"

"She left at least an hour ago." Jennie started to worry.

"Oh? That's strange. Maybe she had to go somewhere first or got stuck in traffic."

"Maybe." Jennie was pretty sure that that wasn't it though. "They can have dinner there, Mom. I'll call Lisa and see where she is."

"Okay then. Take your time."


Jennie quickly hung up and dialed Lisa's number. She heard the distant sound of the default ringtone and walked out of the room in search of the source. She went downstairs and finally found the phone on the table near the door. She sighed and ended the call.

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