Chapter 9

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Lisa cleared her throat and finally lifted her head to look at the woman sitting across from her.

Jennie kept her eyes on the table.

"So... you look good. I‐I mean... you look well." I hope she didn't misunderstand that one although she does look good even in only a pair of jeans and a sweater.

Her palms were sweating a bit. She wiped them with the paper napkins.

"Thanks." Jennie tried to look at Lisa and smiled but faltered. She sipped her coffee. "How was your vacation?"

"Good. Fun." Lisa took a deep breath. "Look, about that ni‐..."

"I'm sorry," Jennie blurted out. Her cheeks were turning pink. "It was my fault. I'm sorry I ruined your career."

"You didn't ruin my career."

"I would have."

"But you didn't," Lisa firmly said. "So let's just leave it at that. Besides, it was my fault too. I could have refused."

"You were drunk."

"A bit tipsy maybe but definitely not drunk. I wouldn't have remembered anything if I were."

"Still doesn't excuse what I did. I'm sorry," she sincerely said, looking into Lisa's eyes.

"It's okay." Lisa smiled. "Like Yeri said, we all make mistakes. I've paid for mine. Let's just leave that behind us."

Jennie nodded slowly. "Alright." She started fiddling with the spoon on her saucer.

"Jisoo told me you followed my advice about the trust fund." Jennie looked at Lisa again and smiled.

"Yeah, I did."

"How much did you put into it?"

"Two thirds."

"And the other third?" Lisa already knew the answer. She just wanted to hear it directly from Jennie.

"Donated it like I said I would."


Jennie shifted in her seat. "Some orphanage somewhere." She sipped her drink again.


Jennie was pleasantly surprised at the use of her first name. "Nice to hear you drop the 'Miss Kim'."

Lisa shrugged. "I'm not your attorney anymore." She held Jennie's gaze. "Which orphanage?"

Jennie took a deep breath. "Who told you? Yeri?"

"No. Mrs. Baek did. I still go there to visit at least once a year."

"O-oh." Jennie averted her eyes.

"Did Yeri tell you about it?"

"Don't be angry with her, please. I made her tell me. It was my fault." She gulped.

"Again." Jennie took a deep breath. "Everything's my fault." Maybe he's right. I seem to mess things up all the time. I should just go back to being a social outcast. At least we'd all have peace that way.

Lisa didn't reply to that last one. "That night you said you needed to know something." She searched Jennie's eyes. "What was it?"

Jennie couldn't answer.

"Was it the same thing that made you curious about me and my past?"

Jennie nodded.

"Have you found out?"

"I... don't know."

I can't tell her I like her, can I? I mean, she was tipsy! I don't even know whether she normally likes girls. I'm not even one hundred percent sure I like girls. Except for her, I think. She silently sighed. And where does that leave me? Another failed relationship? She doesn't even do serious relationships, right? Am I even ready to start a new one? This is too complicated.

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