Lisa had to smile when she saw the decoration on the chocolate treat. "Is this supposed to be me?"

"Yes. See? The hair is shorter than Mommy's. I even used yellow paper because you like yellow."

"Aw... it's so cute. Thank you." Lisa kissed the girl's cheek. "Look!" She showed the cupcake to Jennie.

"That's cute," Jennie said. "Where's mine?"

Heeryung took another cupcake that was sitting in a pink paper wrapper. "This is yours."

Jennie laughed. "Where are my eyes?"

"Right here." The girl pointed out the two curvy lines.

"That looks about right," Lisa grinned, planting a quick kiss on Jennie's cheek. "Great job, Ryung‐ah!"

The girl proudly grinned. "I made Grandpa, Grandma and Inho too." She pointed at the other cupcakes.

"Can I eat it now?" Lisa asked impatiently after she let Jennie take a picture of their treats with her phone.


Lisa peeled the paper and cautiously took a bite, bracing herself for whatever taste she would have to chew and pretend to like. Her eyes widened as she realized that it tasted normal. Could use a bit more chocolate or sugar but definitely edible, she thought. "This is good, Heeryung-ah!" She took another big bite and turned to look at Jennie's smiling mother. "Did you...?"

The woman shook her head. "I only helped her read the recipe, mix the batter and set the oven. She did the rest herself."

"Wow." Lisa grinned proudly. "My little chef!" She gave the girl another kiss on the cheek.

"Umma..." The girl wiped her cheek. "You're sticky."

Lisa laughed and finished her cupcake. "Can I have one more?"

"No." It was Jennie's voice. "You'll spoil your appetite."

"Err... I'm not the kid here." Lisa pointed at Heeryung and Inho. "Even Inho's having a cookie."

"Yes, that's right. A cookie. Singular. One. You've had one cupcake. That's it."

Lisa sulked and the children laughed.

"Haha!" Inho pointed at Lisa with his crumb‐coated finger.

"What are you laughing at?" Lisa bit the finger playfully and tickled the boy. "Can I have a bite from your cookie?" She whispered to the boy who possessively covered his cookie with his hands.


"Sigh... fine." Lisa searched for some tissues to wipe the boy's mouth and fingers.

"I'm saving mine for after dinner," Jennie said, placing the cupcake back on the plate. "Great job, Ryung-ah." She put an arm around the girl and squeezed. "I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, Mommy."

Jennie sighed quietly, trying her best to remember every moment for she knew that it might not ever happen again. She watched Lisa joke around with the boy and gulped.


Lisa stood up from the bed and turned off the lights. She leaned on the doorway, watching the sleeping girl.

"When should we tell her?" Jennie suddenly whispered in Lisa's ear, making her jump.

"Yah! Don't scare me like that!"


"Is Inho asleep?" Lisa returned to watching Heeryung sleep.

"Yes. All the running around finally tired him out." Jennie placed her chin on Lisa's shoulder and wrapped her arms around Lisa's waist.

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