Help is Near

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Hey.. hey guess what?... i- own this fanfic, but I don't own haikyuu.  See how I switched it up???? Teehee

Hinata stares back at them, his eyes wide, they weren't supposed to see that "What was that? Are you ok??" Kunimi said taking a step forward, Hinata just kept on staring dumbfounded "I-I'm.. uh.. sor- no.. I-" Hinata stammered on his words, what was he supposed to say? "I'm sorry you had to see that, haha"? How was he going to explain this?? He really messed up this time. 

Kindaichi and Kunimi saw how stressed he currently looked, it seemed like he was going to burst in tears again. Kindaichi walked forward and held out his hand, Hinata took it and he helped him stand up, Kindaichi felt him shaking, he pressed his lips into a flatline.  They both noticed Hinata was acting differently, like something was wrong, but this really caught them off guard "How about we go back to the gym.. you can explain to us there" Kunimi said from behind Kindaichi, Hinata's head shot up, and opened his mouth as if to start protesting against it, but only to close his mouth again. He allowed the two to guide him to the gym.

As they walk in Kuroo turned his head to the door, he looked like he was about to make a comment, but his face fell into a frown, the others faces also turned into confusion or worry "Hey what happened to Chibi?" Kuroo said as they made their way up to the trio "We don't know ourselves, so care to explain?" Kunimi said while him and Kindaichi made their way from beside him, to in-front of him with the rest of the crowd, Hinata was looking straight down, fiddling with his fingers "U-um.." The only words he managed to let out under the tension. The words take the risk was replying over and over again in his mind take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the risk, take the- he stopped and looked up with teary eyes, looking right into Tsukishima's who placed a comforting hand on Hinata's shoulder. 

Hinata breathed in and out before starting his story "My mom called.. she" Hinata looked at his friends, they all were listening, they all were going to help out.. he can do this "She was crying.. because of.. my.. dad.." His voice got quieter and quieter.

 "Excuse me, what?" Akaashi spoke out "Your father?" Lev also spoke out, their faces were a mix of confusion and worry, and also anger "What did he do?!" Kuroo said a bit louder then the others, stepping forward "I'm not sure!.. he was yelling again and throwing stuff, while my mom was.. hiding?" Hinata said, his voice sounding desperate for something. "Again?? What do you mean 'again'?" Bokuto asked, he sounded pretty angry and looked like he was ready to commit a murder, Hinata went silent.. was he really going to do this? He sighed and looked up, at this point his eyes were glossy with tears threatening to fall out.

 "If.. if I tell you guys, you will help right?" He said looking at them with pleading eyes "Of course" Tsukishima said, furrowing his eyebrows. Hinata held his breath "How is he going to say this.." He thought "'My dad abuses me' yeah that sounds right,, but wait he doesn't only abuse him he abuses everyone..." "'My dad abuses my family' ahh.. but that's too long, shoot, they're waiting!! uh.. umm..." He snaps out his thoughts and finally says "My dad is an abuser"


"My dad is an abuser" those words felt strange falling out his mouth, but it also felt so right, like a weight was lifted off his chest, Hinata's arms were stuck onto his sides, shoulders tensed up, waiting for a reaction, anything! Everyone looked like they were processing those words, and once it was processed.. 


They all collectively screamed, their eyes were so wide open that Hinata was afraid that they might pop out "Abuser?! Like he hurts you?!" Akaashi paled, he went up to Hinata and grabbed him by the shoulders "Omg.." Kindaichi said under his breath, his hand covering his mouth "An abuser?..." Lev's voice sounded completely shocked, however it seemed like he was still processing it. "I'll beat him up for you.." Kuroo said in a dangerously low voice "I'll help.." Bokuto said along side him, they both had their fists into a tight ball, both shaking with anger "Why didn't you tell anyone sooner?!" Tsukishima cried out "I couldn't! I was worried he would hurt or even kill Natsu before we even got help!!" Hinata screamed back "He always said he would!!" They stares silently at the crying boy, what do they say now? What do they do? Then Lev stepped up "Well how do we help" He looked determined, angry even, "I'm.. not sure.." Hinata looked back down "Don't worry.. we'll figure it out, we promise" Bokuto said, putting his fist to his chest as if it was a pledge. Akaashi was the first to tear up and hug Hinata then Bokuto and Kuroo, Bokuto was full on crying though, then Tsukishima, and soon followed by everyone else. Hinata cried, soon turning into sobbing, onto Akaashi's chest.

Help is near 

Omg the support!!!! it's overwhelming!!!!! Thank you so much for understanding and being so sweet about it my heart is too weak!! Honestly I don't love this chapter, if someone has some pointers or suggestions, please do say, I'll probably make a re-make of this. ANYWAYS THANK YOU AGAIN, I love reading the comments it really does make my day(night-) anyways I see the sun rising so it's probably time for me to sleep, love you guys 🙏🙏 <3

~ Yuh'boy 

          author-chan (teehee "author chan" uwu)

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