sure. he's becoming a better father figure and looking after him but at this point, he's been pestering him to train these days like a parent telling their child to exercise because they are getting 'fat' or something. it's kind of obvious why the male would've thought that.

the heterochromatic eyed male decided that he wanted to visit you sometime soon after staring at the picture, even though he couldn't handle seeing you in such a weak and vulnerable state. a few days ago, the hospital called him to let him know that she can have visitors after all. he was relieved that you survived. he didn't know if he would want to bring the picture along or not, so he left it back on the table with the black telephone.

it was hard to visit his mom the first time, he figured out that it'll be hard to visit [your name] the first time too. he decided that he'll visit you the next day and went upstairs to his room. he went to bed, his thoughts being blocked out by his exhaustion.


the male is so tired right now. not physically surprisingly, but mentally instead. after all, all of these emotional moments are really tiring him out. the memories are starting to hurt his head.

he went to the bathroom to do his duties and then got ready to visit you at the hospital. he was also mentally preparing himself, on top of that. 

it appears that there was a week after recovery and you were finally allowed to have visitors.
shoto todoroki walks to the hospital with a scarf around his neck and also wears a denim jacket. no, he still didn't feel like using his quirk to regulate his body temperature. he didn't feel like doing anything except wanting to see you. unfortunately, he couldn't sleep that much the night before because for some reason he woke up about two hours later. my lord, insomnia really hits him hard sometimes. yet, he still looks presentable so it's fine.

it was still the morning in which the male sighs heavily. 

"my, it's still morning," he thought as he unintentionally frowns at the glaring sun.

he is also wearing sunglasses and a cap so his fans won't notice him, he isn't in the mood to sign autographs nor doesn't want the attention from those fangirls right now, especially their high pitched screams. he eventually arrives at the door of the hospital successfully, without catching any attention. thank goodness.

he walks into the hospital. the receptionist lets him know your room number, a bit surprised at first since it was the pro-hero shoto himself. he nodded as thanks and started walking down the hall, his hands in his jacket's pockets.

he trudged along the halls of the hospital, the white and sterile walls seem to be sickening to him. the reason being is because he can't believe such a color so bland can inflict so much pain on him. it was so quiet, he could hear his own footsteps. the silence was always there.

he started walking towards his destination again, glaring at the white plain walls. he never knew that the silence of the hospital was so suffocating.

your voice decided to start echoing in his head, past conversations never-ending repeating inside his head like a broken recorder. he never knew a voice can make his heart flutter? he wasn't actually sure of this feeling, but it would also make him want to cry.

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