Chapter 10: Deny, Deny, Deny

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So theres a moment in every kids life, when you feel like everything is possible

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So theres a moment in every kids life, when you feel like everything is possible. When you feel like you've got the total mojo. You could, I dont know, free-climb, El capitan, land on mars, or uh.... get elected president

The whole world's there for the taking if you've got the sack to go for it. And then, when you least expect it, some kook shows up and tells you there's no  eternal mystery, and then all that talk about free-climbing, and mars, and the president.... bullshit, magic gets cancer and dies


"Its not there" said John B sighing "Look, just pull the drone up"

"Shit" i said "Look, we can do another pass, recharge the battery. We can... we can go back down" said pope, I just stood there, disappointed, sad, mad, you name it

"Guys we've been through it three times, there's nothing there" said JJ

"Shut up!" exclaimed Kie "What? Its true!" said JJ

"The gold could be buried! We dont know!" said Kie

"If it was there it would've been found on the metal detector, okay?!" i said, my voice slightly cracking at the end "Somebody beat us to it"

"or it was never there" said JJ

I sat down and John B sat next to me, he grabbed my hand, seeing how crushed i was, our only way out of foster care, gone

We went back home, tired, just wanting to get some rest. John B entered the house and grabbed the box of cheerios

"Hey guys" we heard a voice say behind us, I recognized that voice, fuck, it was the DSC

"You know, Cheryl, its kind of a bad time for a check-in" said John B to the social worker

"Its not a check-in, we're here to take you guys" she said, my eyes widened and i started to panic internally

"Today? Really?" i asked, could this day get any worse?

"Its just for a few weeks until you're hearing" she said

"No, no, no, no. Look, Cheryl, we're not going into foster care, okay?" said John B "We're not gonna go and be part of your little system" i said

I heard a police radio behind us, you've got to be kidding me

"Guys, this is Deputy Thomas, he works with juveniles for the sheriff's department. Look, I know uncle T is down in Mississippi working at a casino, he hasnt been here in months" said DSC lady

"what?" i scoffed and looked at John B, we had the same thought and tried to run but the Deputy blocked us

"No, see, thats my nightmare right there. Look we...  we want emancipation" said JB

"Emancipation from who? There's nobody here but you two" she said

"Asylum, then" i said "on what grounds?" she asked "On... On solid grounds. On holy grounds" i answered

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