(1) Obsession at First Sight.

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I've noticed that almost every book about obsession has Princeton playing the role of the psycho person, and I'm not surprised, Princeton kinda fits the role...(Not tryna call him crazy, tho.) But he won't be "psycho" in this story, just a bit clingy & over-protective, that's all. lol

Dedicated to AProdigy_Within for writing the first obsession story, lol. She kinda inspired me to write this book, although this story isn't just about Jacob "obsessing" over some girl. I want to make it as unique as possible. And obviously judging by the book title, this book is about paranoia, and due to how paranoid Kimora is she ends up... nevermind. Just read the story :) 


Introduction -

Obsession At First Sight.

~ Kimora Sullivan. 

Online dating. Pretty pathetic, right? Especially at such a young age. I recently turned eighteen years old, and never had I thought that finding a new boyfriend would be so hard.

Is there something wrong with me? I know I may not be the most attractive person out there, but I’m surely not ugly. In my entire eighteen years of existence, I’ve only had one boyfriend, and that didn’t end so well.

But why don’t boys want to go out with me? I know I sound a bit desperate, but when all your friends have boyfriends and/or girlfriends...you tend to feel a bit left out. And when your little sister even claims to have a boyfriend, that drops your self-esteem down even lower.

But most of all, I’m sick of having Kiarrah -- my sixteen year old, sister -- arranging blind dates for me. She claims she only does this out of love, but I know that she’s secretly  only doing this because she low-key hates when her and her boyfriend go out, and I’m forced to tag along. 

She wants me to find my own man, but all of her blind dates never end well. I appreciate her help and concern, but what I’d appreciate more is if she’d just leave my non-existing love life alone. 

Although I tend to have bad luck when it comes to boyfriends, this time, I thought I had a keeper. His name was Jacob Perez, and I met him on blackpeoplemeet.com, (Don’t laugh. Like I said before, I was desperate...) even though he’s actually half Mexican, and half black. 

We talked almost every day, for at least four months straight. And as the day whizzed by, I felt myself falling more deeply in love with him...leave it to my sister to mess all of that up. 

No matter how many times I begged and pleaded for her to stop arranging blind dates for me, she still took it upon herself to search my internet history on my laptop just to see who I’ve been speaking with for the past four months. Then she somehow contacted Jacob, and arranged a date for me. 

Now, if Kiarrah had arranged this date a month earlier, I would have been ecstatic to hear that I would actually be meeting the love of my life in person. Because then, I did not know how much of a clingy bastard Jacob was. 

If I went a full day without messaging him, he’d lose it. Asking me questions about where I was and why I didn’t talk to him. 

It was kind of cute at first, I’ll admit that. I find it attractive when a guy can get a bit over protective from time to time...but when I met up with him for our date, that’s when it all went down hill.

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